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Now, a sequel to Ardh Satya

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asesh kumar dasgupta
ritu is making mistakes
by asesh kumar dasgupta on Jan 19, 2007 03:38 PM

ritu is making mistakes doing films with these unknown flop actors....although MMPAW was different....Unns proves it again....she should go for a bigger banner and top actors like salman, amir, shahrukh, hrittick.....should be in glam & sexy roles....BEST OF LUCK RITU...

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by naseem on Aug 08, 2006 10:54 AM

i think this film will be a total loser , and a stupid film, mainly because sonu sood isnt a good actor. if u have seen his earlier films like sheesha, and aashqi banaya aapne, u will know that he isnt a good actor at all. since he plays the central character in this film, it hardly has any chances of survival

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Rajendra Ballal
Remakes and sequels
by Rajendra Ballal on Aug 07, 2006 05:08 PM

It is really getting too much .So many old hits are being are remade!. This shows that the original story idea's have dried up. This are as bad as remixes of old numbers. Please stop it.

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