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Nikhil is heartfelt, touching

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abhishek dutta
a awesum film
by abhishek dutta on Feb 10, 2006 02:37 PM

i have gone through varios comments n reveiws of ths film"my brother nikhil".n sory to say that most of the reviewrs mocks the film by writing it's a remake of the hollywood film "philadelphia".its is not the question of remaking a film in hindi version nor its a question of copying it.the main questions that emerge in my mind is that, why the audiences dont have the eyesight to observe the positiveness of the film?its not easy in india to make a film based on a very sensitive issue,i.e same sex relation along with a social delemna i.e hiv/aids.its a victory of the film that makes indian audiences to watch the film without making chaos in the theatre as it is based on same sex relation.i think atleast the majority of the indian audiences specially the literally literate ones should recommend the film highly.i wish onir's next film will deal with the same sex issue with more effectively n it is also needed in india to have film based on same sex issue for a social revolution.

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reply to deepesh's posting
by R.G. on May 16, 2005 12:24 PM

i dont think its important to mention the relationship between sanjay suri and \'his friend\'. whats important here is that there was a message in the movie. i do agree with other opinions that they could have focused more on the AIDS awarness. it was however a first step towards awarness as the masses of india would realize that ostrasizing someone with the disease is not the soultion. they should come out with more awarness movies. maybe some \'popular hero\' like srk or hritik roshan should do a movie that is more directed towards the masses of india in order to promote AIDS education. and please all you narrow minded homophobes please dont comment back at this ...

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No where mention abt. another important subject
by deepesh on Apr 16, 2005 06:33 AM  | Hide replies

I am really surprised the review has no where mentioned abt. sanjay suri and his friend(Their relationship)...
Basically he never had a girl friend all he has was a boy friend...I guess before writing reviews atleast shld. see the movie couple of times first

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RE:No where mention abt. another important subject
by narayan on May 06, 2005 11:19 PM
...and maybe you can read the review a little more closely and you will see the writer has indeed touched upon their relationship, but without having to call on it loudly...it's handled as sensitively as it was portrayed in the movie...see where she says "is a friend and more...", see where she talks about how the issue of homosexuality is explored.

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i need to see this movie
by vishal on Apr 04, 2005 08:05 PM


im vishal from baroda gujrat india . i hard about this movie that its a very good for all spicily im wark for hiv so i need to see but the problam is in baroda we have no scop to see so pls do somthing

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Juhi Rocks
by Abhinav on Mar 28, 2005 06:42 PM

The movie according to me has two of the biggest stars in Juhi and Purab Kohli.. One may not be moved with Sanjays acting but the heart just weeps out for Juhi... A Great performance by a grat actress and a noteworthy one by Purab too.. TOuching & Heartfelt... Way to Go!

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by Shiva on Mar 28, 2005 08:08 AM

i am suprised to notice that reviewer has no were mentioned about the oscar winning movie "philadelphia" starring tom hanks, denzel washington. the basic story is the same and changes have been made to suit indian audiences... yet to see the film, let see how suri and others are able to perform as compared to legends like tom hanks and denzel

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Kapil Talreja
by Kapil Talreja on Mar 27, 2005 10:32 PM

Good to see that a movie that highlights the misconceptions about HIV, for once, seems part of mainstream that it is being made under one of the big banners (Yash Raj films). High time people realise that THE biggest reason, HIV continues to spread at such an alarming rate in this country is the social stigma and taboo that leads to the patients being subjected to neglect instead of care. Unfortunately, the general public as well as the medical fraternity are the perpetrators.

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