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Kuchh Meetha is not sweet at all

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Too good
by Vishal on May 16, 2005 06:40 AM

I dont know why we people dnt welcome any new idea and new director...
This film was really a good film. it has some new concept with it... rather then old family drama......

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fully faltoo
by Ashu on Apr 24, 2005 03:58 PM

The movie's title is given so that the audience can have something sweet after watching such a bakwaas movie and spoiling their money and time.You just can't make out what's not wrong with the film coz everything is so stink.

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ulti boring
by Bakshi on Apr 19, 2005 04:25 PM

If you wanna take revenge with your enemy... send him a ticket of this movie... this is the most boring movie in recent times... where do people get money to sponsor such movies... without a head tail and body...
guess I had some meetha worth the money instead...

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Rahul Mehta
Who critics the critic?
by Rahul Mehta on Apr 15, 2005 08:52 PM

Why do critics not just stay critics. By the way, is there a Diploma or Degree that they have in being Critic? I doubt so.

Critics are people who write about other people, judging them. So here is the question, does it mean that they are perfect? And that they can judge another actor/actress/story, and best of all judge the large audiences reaction?

I do not think so. I think Critics should leave film-making for traditional film-makers. Else, who will CRITICise the Critic?

Also, how do these Critics have so much money to make a movie? What is their Salary like? Looks like they just get money to write up a nice Critic column for sucking up to the big movie makers. As if Veer-Zaraa was not boring, as if Mohabatein was not the worst movie ever made, as if Mr. Barjatya picking up his Father's movies for re-make is not well known.

I do wish that you are un-biased in publishing my message here.

Rahul Mehta

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