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Sneak preview: Gangaajal

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by puneet on Sep 13, 2003 12:41 PM

its a god damn flop show

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Brick bats for Deepa Gumaste
by S R on Aug 29, 2003 05:07 AM

After receiving brick bats for her pathetic review of Armaan from Rediff readers, Deepa Gumaste is at it again trying to critique Gangaajal.

What is obnoxious about this review thus far is the line "Gracy Singh's character. Apart from getting second billing in the credits, she has nothing to write home about. She does not even attempt to leave a mark on the proceedings."

Gracy Singh acted in the movie as Prakach Jha wanted her to act. On the other hand you seem to make it her fault for getting second billing in the credits, nothing to write home about, attempt to leave a mark and such garbage.

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