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Stamp Leather Products
Middle class &and small business swarrow
by Stamp Leather Products on Jun 02, 2020 04:58 PM

In this hard times even we look towards Gov for a Help, As a regular tax payer I feel we should not be neglected.

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Sanjay  Kaul
by Sanjay Kaul on May 25, 2020 11:47 AM

This is absolutely right, government has not done much for Middle class, we are left out, there is stimulus given to MSME & Corporates but it is of no direct benefit to us. Our cash liquidity has gone down and expenses are intact, need to pay EMI on time, even moratorium is given but it only adds to your cost as banks will not leave interest part.

We as salaried middle class being honest tax payer should be given some liquidity even that can be some part of Taxes remitted back given to government in so many years.

Lets see if we get any benefit, but we will always support our country by being a loyal tax payer from whatever we earn.

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