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Article on tax saving
by jkj on Sep 24, 2019 02:51 PM

Nothing new.

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Cut Pay to GovtMaadharChodhs (GMCs), Divert Money for Development
by NEO HITLER on Sep 24, 2019 01:49 PM

Cut Pay to GovtMaadharChodhs (GMCs), Divert Money for Development

Nowadays many GovtMaadharChodhs (aka GMCs or 80% Gov employees) get pensions over 30K / pm, a class IV gov employee gets salary Rs 35K / pm, gov teacher 50k, lecturer Rs 1.5 lak, professor Rs 2 lak, MLAs & MPs 2 lak, besides heavy perks, corruption opportunities, etc.

I appreciate Modi's initiatives in collecting GST, Income Tax, etc but what is the use if most of this money is paid as fat salaries to 3% GMCs, of whom 80% are good-for-nothing fellows?

In pvt sector, only top 3% could be corrupt but 97% employees have to work hard. In govt 80% are corrupt and / or laggard fellows.

GMC laggards who eat up 10% GDP / yr seldom work, but work very hard when there is scope for corruption. GMCs spend 80% time eating paan & spitting on walls, talking SexPoliticsAndNonsense, playing cards 2 hrs when lunch time is 1 hr, etc.

GMCs thru strong unions often threaten nationwide strikes if their exorbitant demands are not met.

Pay good salaries only to defense personnel (on active assignments); reduce pay of GMCs to market-avg levels--stop salary revisions. Divert money thus saved to improve primary education, English skills, healthcare and birth control among poor, SC, ST, MBCs, etc and to support poor farmers driven to suicide. HIGH SALARIES TO GMCs KILLS PATRIOTIC SPIRIT OF NON-GOVT HARDWORKING CITIZENS.

(Instead of Rs 1Lac /PM to a GMC, better pay 10k-to-10 pvt sctr hard-workers)

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