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by Vishvaksenah on Feb 16, 2019 12:31 PM

Happy to note tat there is now a trend to be vegetarians.
Hope it is not a passing fad and more people become life long vegetarians.

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amar singh
Its good if it is Vegan
by amar singh on Jan 28, 2019 09:52 PM

Friends lets not make fuss of everything people talk. its individual choice and we should respect it.

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santanu bardhan
santanu bardhan important
by santanu bardhan on Jan 23, 2019 09:04 PM

good but bulk ?

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Musalmaan Masala
Heard less nonsense at a political rally
by Musalmaan Masala on Jan 22, 2019 03:50 PM  | Hide replies

Is this chap for real? Or for that matter are those people at PETA for real? Surprising that they are not going to the zoos around the world and preaching to Lions, Tigers, Vultures, Crocodiles, Hyenas, Pythons about the "health benefits" of a vegetarian diet.
I have umpteen PURE vegetarian friends (they have not even touched an egg in their life) having diabetes, blood pressure, sciatica heart problems. asthama...the works.
So what guarantee is PETA and Kartik giving that Vegetarianism has health benefits that being a non vegetarian does not?
MOREOVER who says being a non vegetarian MAKES ONE HATE ANIMALS. I am a 100% carnivore i.e. apart from humans I eat everything else :-) AND STILL LOVE ANIMALS even the ones I eat.

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Re: Heard less nonsense at a political rally
by ganesha on Jan 22, 2019 06:13 PM
Let's see your opinion on church rape cases springing from everywhere around the world..
You seem to know better about Loya case? opinion formed by reading too much anti Modi articles?

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Re: Heard less nonsense at a political rally
by manojcshah on Jan 22, 2019 06:52 PM

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Bhasmasur Rakshasa
Re: Re: Heard less nonsense at a political rally
by Bhasmasur Rakshasa on Jan 22, 2019 11:11 PM
What is hypocritical, you ass_h_ole??

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Bhasmasur Rakshasa
Re: Heard less nonsense at a political rally
by Bhasmasur Rakshasa on Jan 22, 2019 11:11 PM
Well said....Also, the title of his initiative is cringeworthy to say the least. "chicks love a vegetarian"......oh good, i wanted to throw up.

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Aditya Venkat
Re: Heard less nonsense at a political rally
by Aditya Venkat on Jan 23, 2019 02:42 PM
Dear MM, Very true whatever you have stated. People who are non veg are also animal lovers and, also try, veggies also face issues like diabetes. What Kartik is saying is that, its not necessary to ba non veggie to build big bodies. also he states that being a veggie helps better with issues relating to health. We dont need to analyze every single word in detail. Its a general assessment and its been proven that vegetarian food is a healthier option today.

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Aditya Venkat
Re: Heard less nonsense at a political rally
by Aditya Venkat on Jan 23, 2019 02:42 PM
Dear MM, Very true whatever you have stated. People who are non veg are also animal lovers and, also try, veggies also face issues like diabetes. What Kartik is saying is that, its not necessary to ba non veggie to build big bodies. also he states that being a veggie helps better with issues relating to health. We dont need to analyze every single word in detail. Its a general assessment and its been proven that vegetarian food is a healthier option today.

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Bhasmasur Rakshasa
He looks emaciated
by Bhasmasur Rakshasa on Jan 22, 2019 12:55 PM

Pity this creature..

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shiv s
hot or not
by shiv s on Jan 22, 2019 11:16 AM

he looks more like a rabidMonkey.

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