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Video: This dancing duo is quietly making India proud

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ruby dcunha
Congrats -- Namrata and Elvis
by ruby dcunha on Mar 14, 2018 01:40 PM

Your message to youngsters 'Against all odds' is encouraging. My daughter is also found of dancing so i need details of your kizomba workshop in April in Mumbai. She can join / take part if she is wants to make the best of her summer vacation. Congrats again to both of you on acheivement and best wishes for a great carrer ahead.

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by Bincy on Mar 12, 2018 01:16 PM

We see many years, up to this time we are facing the Leaders and Political parties as, "by the gundas and for the gundas". Where ever the Labour Parties rule, there we can see the real democracy that is “by the people and for the people.” Thank God the things will happen sooner the future. Ordinary people like us fed up of these Bloody Jute promising leaders. We most welcome Labourers’ party..

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