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How Chhavi Gupta scored 100 in CAT in her first attempt

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Mens Rights Pune
WOW If she is an open category person, not a Da-lit.
by Mens Rights Pune on Jan 29, 2018 02:23 PM

WOW If she is an open category person, not a Da-lit.

Da-lits are parasites.

Delete the Da-lits

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Who cares
by kiri on Jan 16, 2018 04:13 PM

lol rediff sucks does anyone care
funny article

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Rajendra Gupta
100 percentile is not 100 /100 marks
by Rajendra Gupta on Jan 16, 2018 11:22 AM  | Hide replies

Take it easy guys.100 percentile means the girl has secured highest marks in the scores list. these may be as well 70 marks out of hundred and others have scored less. if there are 20 100 percentile guys means 100 have scored same arks which are highest. That is how percentile is calculated.100 percentile and 100 marks are different figures.If any candidate can score 100/100 in CT means this examination has been pollute by Modi government guys as everything is being polluted by bhagwa stain. Properly leakage of paper and answers in advance or mobile at work.

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Rajendra Gupta
Re: 100 percentile is not 100 /100 marks
by Rajendra Gupta on Jan 16, 2018 11:25 AM
and percentile cannot be 100.maximum it can be 99.if some one gets 100% marks in CAT .it means the veracity and genuineness of examination has gone now.It is useless.

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Re: Re: 100 percentile is not 100 /100 marks
by kiri on Jan 16, 2018 04:14 PM
well said mr gupta you are correct

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Rajendra Pillewar
Re: 100 percentile is not 100 /100 marks
by Rajendra Pillewar on Jan 29, 2018 03:02 PM
Why did you bring Modi Govt in picture? Why can't you keep Academics and Politics separate?

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she passed in 2016
by Dhantannan on Jan 15, 2018 02:17 PM  | Hide replies

its surprising she took 2 years to decide on MBA?
anyway with her experience ,she has wonderful opportunity awaiting in IIM-A.

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This is being reported
by piri on Jan 15, 2018 09:32 AM  | Hide replies

only because the candidate is a girl.

Otherwise, the achievement (100th percentile in CAT) is not so unique or all that distinctive at all !

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Intel Midfield
Re: This is being reported
by Intel Midfield on Jan 15, 2018 12:30 PM
Yes! only commies are born to do distinctive things like eating mass murdering, eating human flesh and drinking blood.

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Re: Re: This is being reported
by piri on Jan 15, 2018 12:50 PM
No. Who told you that ?

The simple point is that scores of candidates get the 100th percentile in the CAT each year and this report surfaced only because the candidate is a girl !

Where do commie, komaaaali Modi, etc come in here ?

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