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Award Wapsi to aiding Junaid Khan's kin: The world of Sahitya Akademi Awards

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sanjay jathar
Award Wapasi
by sanjay jathar on Feb 15, 2018 11:16 AM  | Hide replies

These writers themselves are communal as they try to rivive and highlight these unfortunate incidents after long time. Though such incidents of communal violence are never supported by any society or any religion and are to be condemned such authors and writers try to be very gentleman or hero. Shame on them.

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Re: Award Wapasi
by on Feb 15, 2018 11:37 AM
Very true.

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Tapas  Dutta
Re: Re: Award Wapasi
by Tapas Dutta on Feb 15, 2018 01:12 PM
I think he wanted to be in news, otherwise it would be difficult for people know him. Hindu/Army bashing is the best way to come in news in India

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Tapas  Dutta
Re: Re: Award Wapasi
by Tapas Dutta on Feb 15, 2018 01:13 PM
I think he wanted to be in news, otherwise it would be difficult for people know him. Hindu/Army bashing is the best way to come in news in India

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radhakrishna topalle
Re: Re: Re: Award Wapasi
by radhakrishna topalle on Feb 16, 2018 11:44 AM
Slight modification Hindu/Army bashing is the ONLY way to come in news, he also can share his unwanted money with brave hearts belonging to TN,Kerala,UP,Bihar,Punjab, Assam,Manipur regardless of their identity sacrificing lives in Kashmir

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arungopal agarwal
by arungopal agarwal on Feb 15, 2018 11:14 AM  | Hide replies

Biggest issue is why 30 crore population is not in main stream of the country, still hate BJP, even with minority appeasing congress and allied parties rule, living in worst condition, why they accept Mullahs dictum, even discuss inhuman issues such as triple talaq, always ready to fight for Babri cause. What all have given them so far even with their leaders including congress.
We hail rather Mehbooba who is with BJP in Kashmir showing the path how two different political parties can work together.

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Ravi PV
When a person
by Ravi PV on Feb 15, 2018 11:14 AM

has no other worthwhile work to do this is what he does. Did the great humanist spare even a second for the H.ndu refugees from Kashmir ?

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Right thing.
by Bharat on Feb 15, 2018 10:48 AM  | Hide replies

The writer did the right thing. But before doing this, did he ever think of the Kashmiri Pandits who were thrown out of Kashmir by their Muslims neighbours.

It is very easy to define one party as communal.. if you do not see the other parties.

And let us be clear - the number of such hate crimes are the same across the two sides. And somehow all political parties - Left, Right and Congress are responsible for it. To add to this our fore fathers Gandhi / Nehru are also responsible.

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anil sood
Re: Right thing.
by anil sood on Feb 15, 2018 11:00 AM
Very true; the real culprit is our media and the other parties who indulge in minority appeasement at the expense of majority's interests

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anil sood
Re: Right thing.
by anil sood on Feb 15, 2018 11:00 AM
Very true; the real culprit is our media and the other parties who indulge in minority appeasement at the expense of majority's innterests

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Right thing.
by Bharat on Feb 15, 2018 10:48 AM

The writer did the right thing. But before doing this, did he ever think of the Kashmiri Pandits who were thrown out of Kashmir by their Muslims neighbours.

It is very easy to define one party as communal.. if you do not see the other parties.

And let us be clear - the number of such hate crimes are the same across the two sides. And somehow all political parties - Left, Right and Congress are responsible for it. To add to this our fore fathers Gandhi / Nehru are also responsible.

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Navneet  Bhatnagar
What about the balance Rs 3/= that he kept to himself??
by Navneet Bhatnagar on Feb 15, 2018 10:38 AM  | Hide replies

He has not disclosed as to why did he retain the balance Rs. 3/= out of the prize money of Rs. 1 lakh that he got as Sahiyta Academy award? May be this amount of Rs. 3/=, he should hand over to the parents of Ankit Saxena, who was killed by parents of a Muslim girl, that he loved.

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radhakrishna topalle
Re: What about the balance Rs 3/= that he kept to himself??
by radhakrishna topalle on Feb 16, 2018 12:45 PM
Kerala commies like paruppu vada with black tea. Perhaps he kept Rs 3/-to give a treat to Pinnarai Vijyan, Yechury in malappuram Dist.,

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