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Copy Cat! This Instagram account is shaming Indian designers

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Rimi Phukan
Pity !!!
by Rimi Phukan on Apr 09, 2018 04:40 PM

It is second nature for the Indians to copy and how we all know that internet is rife with cases of plagiarism, when it comes to lifting contents in writing or replicating other\'s ideas as innovation and owning a copyright. So, this story of fashion high jack by some Indian designers doesn\'t come as a surprise to me. From music to movies, lifestyle to mannerism, most of the post-modern world aspirations percolates into the Indian milieu from the western diaspora. Hence, copying comes naturally to Indians because of an innate self-esteem problem in India.

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And while Indians
by piri on Apr 09, 2018 01:50 PM  | Hide replies

prolifically copy works and ideas of foreigners and keep passing them off as their own in India among ignorant Indian commoners, the foreigners never attempt to copy any work of Indians !

This could be either because the foreigners never find anything worthwhile in the work of Indians or because they do not notice Indians at all or because of both these reasons !!

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Amod Karnik
Re: And while Indians
by Amod Karnik on Apr 10, 2018 10:04 AM
Very true. totally agree with you.

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Amod Karnik
Re: And while Indians
by Amod Karnik on Apr 10, 2018 10:04 AM
Very true. totally agree with you.

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bharat d
by bharat d on Apr 09, 2018 11:21 AM

Nothing New Indians take pride in visiting foreign land and than displaying those stuff to the poor countrymen be it fashion cinema science or something as simple as TV shows.

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Truth Unfolds
by Inzzy on Apr 09, 2018 10:41 AM

This is the true nature of Indians. To cheat, lie & rob. No wonder innovation in our country is pathetic to say the least. We are only good at cramming & not known for original thinking.

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