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by anandfilms on Aug 23, 2018 12:04 AM

The cashless system is very and useful. But India is the big country. India makes many metro cities, Big cities, and village. Cities people and villages people do not faith online payment system. Because they are not aware of a cashless system. Marriage is an expensive program, they totally depend on cash.
I think the cashless wedding function is a good idea but Maybe it's time

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adibhatla venkatarao
by adibhatla venkatarao on Nov 29, 2016 06:45 PM

We Indians prefer cash transactions simply to avoid taxes. And the actual intention of Demonetisation and cash crunch is for legalising the transactions and eradicating black money. KUDOs

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Sandeep Anand
by Sandeep Anand on Nov 29, 2016 06:38 PM

Today cashless weeding is not possiple but lot of thing during marrige can be done without cash also (Not all) BUT ONE THING ALL MARRIAGE DURING THIS PERIOD WILL BE MEMORIABLE FOR THEM. And expense Marriage is all abut memories and ppl will love such memories in future ;)

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raja garaga
by raja garaga on Nov 29, 2016 08:51 AM

u can be cashless but you should realise that finally one person has to receive the cash. other wise nothing will happen.

it is very easy to say but difficult to follow.

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Sunil Kumar
by Sunil Kumar on Nov 28, 2016 08:06 PM  | Hide replies

Why only cashless society........If our overactive PM will say, let us go FOODLESS !!!

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Sunil Kumar
Re: why
by Sunil Kumar on Nov 28, 2016 08:09 PM
Yes, it is possible for us to go electronic to some extent, but society runs on cash in hand, impulse, and sudden purchses........cashless will make many a people foodless, particularly the poor and homeless and beggars..... becuase they do not carry swiping machine to beg for alms.........I think our PM is expecting too much from us at the cost of peoples' way of living.

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Sandeep Anand
Re: why
by Sandeep Anand on Nov 29, 2016 06:40 PM
We always say why so we are so behind from america and othere western countries. One reason is their cashless or less cash society which reduce corruption and strength economy. Now when time come for us they we asking why we need to do it?

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Sandeep Anand
Re: why
by Sandeep Anand on Nov 29, 2016 06:41 PM
I am surprise on ppl who having question on cashless socity? Yes corrpt ppl dont like it

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Yes,possible Like
by Ramvinayak on Nov 28, 2016 04:34 PM  | Hide replies

Modi's way..Dump the bride and ran away to next RSS office

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zubair shighrekar
Re: Yes,possible Like
by zubair shighrekar on Nov 28, 2016 05:07 PM

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raja garaga
Re: Yes,possible Like
by raja garaga on Nov 29, 2016 08:53 AM
well said and very good idea also

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Kushal Qanungo
by Kushal Qanungo on Nov 28, 2016 03:37 PM  | Hide replies

Atually we have become like lame ducks. we have no stand. Govt. is harassing us, we (including me) do not protest. In small cities there is no cash in Atm's or banks. I ham facing daily problem.

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adibhatla venkatarao
Re: stand
by adibhatla venkatarao on Nov 29, 2016 06:40 PM
what sort of problems you are facing ? please elaborate, so that some one may suggest something. you have internet as you are on rediff.com. Are you having online banking facility? Do you have paytm? do you have debit or credit card ? insist the shopkeeper to have a POS swiping machine. Pay through cheques whereever possible. transfer at ATMs from your card to another card...etc.. etc... I am facing no problem at all.

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zubair shighrekar
bad decision
by zubair shighrekar on Nov 28, 2016 12:27 PM  | Hide replies

by govt, they should have kept some special provisions for wedding and senior citizens

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Dipankar Mukherji
Re: bad decision
by Dipankar Mukherji on Nov 28, 2016 01:54 PM
Even 65 year old woman are on whatsapp.
Other Senior citizens can be given free training. 4/5 times practice and dos and donts will over come fear.
Go for cashless .
Every one's turn over must be known to Government (and everyones Biz expenses also). Most of the traders, freelance guys and SMU medium scale industries are fuzzing their receipts and biz expenses.

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Re: Re: bad decision
by Ramvinayak on Nov 28, 2016 04:36 PM
Yes..Whatapp is invented and borught India By Modi

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zubair shighrekar
Re: Re: bad decision
by zubair shighrekar on Nov 28, 2016 05:13 PM
65% population does not have smart phones
and 25% out of balance 35% who have smart phones are not using cashless option

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BP Mohanta
try to understand
by BP Mohanta on Nov 28, 2016 12:14 PM

for rich it is possible for poor till now not totally possible

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