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Is Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme the best investment for your girl child?

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kamal jain
To review the Scheme again
by kamal jain on Apr 28, 2015 06:22 PM

it has so many restrictions and unclear scheme. one of my friend told deposit 12000 yealy you will get 15 lakh after maturity.
but in scheme thier no such type of promise is thier.
no life cover is thier.

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sukanya samriddhi scheme
by on Apr 25, 2015 03:09 PM

sir if child is death then what your risk cover

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Kamran Alam
by Kamran Alam on Apr 09, 2015 09:29 PM

can any one tell me that, the maturity of this scheme is 21 years or when the girl up to 21 years. i am confuse

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Nandkumar Satpute
Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme
by Nandkumar Satpute on Mar 14, 2015 10:29 AM  | Hide replies

Can u really confirm what is the minimum payment in this per year... From the post office which the undersigned enquired it said that is Rs 12000/- per year whereas in this note it states it is Rs 1000/- per year

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Kamran Alam
Re: Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme
by Kamran Alam on Apr 09, 2015 09:27 PM
there is to much confussion according to rule minimum amount is 100 rupees per month. so yearly it is 1200 rupees not 1000

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subodh goel
Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme
by subodh goel on Mar 14, 2015 10:06 AM  | Hide replies

I welcome this scheme, but this scheme must be modified for the girl of any age below 21 years. this scheme is launched this year and girls who are more than 10 years can not be benefitted from this scheme. Second thing rate of interest must be more than 9.1% to attract public to investment in this instrument. Interest must be compounde quaterly or at least half-yearly. Govermnent should do some more secrifies and efforts towards to save girl chld. This scheme shows only efforts of the govermment not any secrifies from the government. On maturity or gennune withdrawl some insentive may be given to the matured child as like old MIS of post office.

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kamal jain
Re: Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme
by kamal jain on Apr 28, 2015 06:17 PM
i agree scheme is good, but not satisfied. as per this 10 years girl maturity will be 31 years.

what is the use of this scheme.
till 24 years we have to pay but maturity will be 31 year or marraige.
if we get early on marriage. thier no fixed amount for that gild. so we are going to get the interest for the 6 years.

and in this scheme, no life cover, no maturity of the scheme if child dead before.

so many things are thier to review

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Narasimhaiah H
good scheme
by Narasimhaiah H on Mar 13, 2015 03:34 PM

In the present situation this scheme is best for those eligible to avail the same. Encouraging girl child is the prime factor.

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