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A VERY muddy affair!

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amit saxena
The villagers are thinking
by amit saxena on Aug 15, 2015 08:15 PM  | Hide replies

why are these educated fools waste time in nonsense activities. A country like Japan has established itself because the citizens there gave their time to countrty. India can develop only by mazdoor, kisaan and hard working people. All the so called educated people and phd doctors are wasting public taxpayer money. Govt should curb the money given to these educated fools and instead divert the money to villagers.

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vishal patel
Re: The villagers are thinking
by vishal patel on Aug 17, 2015 11:22 AM
i think u a dumbo
these activites makes u a healhty person .
if you are not healthy , u will not be able to do anything with your life.
i guess u are a very non-active person .

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srinivas ganesh
Re: Re: The villagers are thinking
by srinivas ganesh on Aug 22, 2015 07:03 AM
U can also work in the fields of villagers and help them if you need to be healthy. You don't need to do monkey activities to be healthy.

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