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10 valuable things you won't learn in business school

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Sumit Kudesia
please understand
by Sumit Kudesia on May 11, 2015 03:13 PM

There is a heavy bias against the first few years of their career. Even if they are trying to learn and work up teir skills, there non MBA colleagues make it difficult quoting the same 10 points that you have quoted. the state of te economy is not good and as a result people are not getting work according to the qualifications and skills, hence they have to downskill themselves in order to sustain...these articles sprinkle salt on their wounds

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MBA is a Joke
by Anton on May 11, 2015 02:54 PM

MBA teaches nothing other than a certain ability to flatter those above you (called networking) and disrespect those below. An Mcom or a CA knows more finance. An MCA knows more systems. MBA is just a useless course. I'm an MBA from a so called mid-tiers bSchool. I have peers who are from IIMs. All of us were engaged in selling software which required none of what we learn at BSchool. There are Non-MBAs who are best at these functional areas. And most likely everyone is reporting to a college drop out who started the company. MBA is the big joke. Especially when you see an Engineer from IIT join an IIM to become an investment manger 2 years down the line.

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MBA is a Joke
by Anton on May 11, 2015 02:54 PM

MBA teaches nothing other than a certain ability to flatter those above you (called networking) and disrespect those below. An Mcom or a CA knows more finance. An MCA knows more systems. MBA is just a useless course. I'm an MBA from a so called mid-tiers bSchool. I have peers who are from IIMs. All of us were engaged in selling software which required none of what we learn at BSchool. There are Non-MBAs who are best at these functional areas. And most likely everyone is reporting to a college drop out who started the company. MBA is the big joke. Especially when you see an Engineer from IIT join an IIM to become an investment manger 2 years down the line.

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MBA is a Joke
by Anton on May 11, 2015 02:54 PM

MBA teaches nothing other than a certain ability to flatter those above you (called networking) and disrespect those below. An Mcom or a CA knows more finance. An MCA knows more systems. MBA is just a useless course. I'm an MBA from a so called mid-tiers bSchool. I have peers who are from IIMs. All of us were engaged in selling software which required none of what we learn at BSchool. There are Non-MBAs who are best at these functional areas. And most likely everyone is reporting to a college drop out who started the company. MBA is the big joke. Especially when you see an Engineer from IIT join an IIM to become an investment manger 2 years down the line.

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MBA is a Joke
by Anton on May 11, 2015 02:54 PM

MBA teaches nothing other than a certain ability to flatter those above you (called networking) and disrespect those below. An Mcom or a CA knows more finance. An MCA knows more systems. MBA is just a useless course. I'm an MBA from a so called mid-tiers bSchool. I have peers who are from IIMs. All of us were engaged in selling software which required none of what we learn at BSchool. There are Non-MBAs who are best at these functional areas. And most likely everyone is reporting to a college drop out who started the company. MBA is the big joke. Especially when you see an Engineer from IIT join an IIM to become an investment manger 2 years down the line.

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MBA is a Joke
by Anton on May 11, 2015 02:53 PM

MBA teaches nothing other than a certain ability to flatter those above you (called networking) and disrespect those below. An Mcom or a CA knows more finance. An MCA knows more systems. MBA is just a useless course. I'm an MBA from a so called mid-tiers bSchool. I have peers who are from IIMs. All of us were engaged in selling software which required none of what we learn at BSchool. There are Non-MBAs who are best at these functional areas. And most likely everyone is reporting to a college drop out who started the company. MBA is the big joke. Especially when you see an Engineer from IIT join an IIM to become an investment manger 2 years down the line.

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Shujath Hussain
Added skills
by Shujath Hussain on May 02, 2015 08:46 PM

You are expected to work at the hindsight of your superiors, which means you should know in advance what is expected ought of you or what is the end result that the company is looking for (from you)! Precisely, you need to be a self-starter and a person taking responsibility voluntarily!

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Sanjay Tungare
B School
by Sanjay Tungare on Apr 30, 2015 09:02 PM

Very true! You learn in B schools only to show Rosy pictures & impress or rather fool your customers & sub contractors or vendors & also staff working under them.And when time comes to full fill commitments easy thing they do is to change the job.That is most frequent & easy thing they do.(lead time 3~5 years) They never have guts & capability to respect their commitments. And hence they are not Loyal to anybody in their carrier.

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Ramesh Koushik
tings not taught by B-schools
by Ramesh Koushik on Apr 29, 2015 12:04 PM

very timely and useful article. I hope some of the MBAs imbibe these points in them

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most of them
by kapil on Apr 29, 2015 11:54 AM

will not follow this for sure... all are show off kind guys, many think they are from another planet because of mba, i would slop them..

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