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Astrospeak: What's your zodiac destination 2014?

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by on Aug 05, 2014 12:09 PM

Do i Get success in my life

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Swarup Saikia
by Swarup Saikia on Jan 07, 2014 03:27 PM

Me and my wife should go to shillong & gir forest separately as per your predictions. So how can we go together? So as per my opinion, these astrology kind of things are simply superstitions. Hard work with intelligence and scope are the only the way to go

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Swarup Saikia
by Swarup Saikia on Jan 07, 2014 03:27 PM

Me and my wife should go to shillong & gir forest separately as per your predictions. So how can we go together? So as per my opinion, these astrology kind of things are simply superstitions. Hard work with intelligence and scope are the only the way to go

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Pen diamond
Wrong dates for Sun sign
by Pen diamond on Jan 05, 2014 11:45 AM

Why are we obsessed with anything West.
The Western astrologers have together accepted the western almanac for signs in which the sun resides as faulty and have accepted the Vedic astrology as the most accurate one for Sun Sign, Moon sign etc.
Why this obsession for anything that is western. Why cannot we feel proud of our accurate sciences and flaunt it.
Why this slaveveri di

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by trikarn on Jan 02, 2014 01:14 PM  | Hide replies

corruption is easy
nepotism is in the air
crony capitalism shows great promise
hard work is easily avoided
political conextions bring ood luck
all in all a good year for

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Message deleted by moderator
by LAAL TOPPI on Jan 03, 2014 11:32 AM

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