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He lives to keep the environment alive

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by Dev on Jul 03, 2013 08:52 AM  | Hide replies

im always happy to hear indian cities described as beautiful . in this instance Arun describes Hyderabad as a beautiful city. very glad to hear this!(i havent been there)
also one of my friends told me vishakapatnam is a beautiful place.
which other indian cities qualifies as beautiful ?

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krishna krishna
Re: beautiful
by krishna krishna on Jul 03, 2013 05:19 PM
Kakinada in EGDT. of AP. is very beautiful.

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Keep it up!
by Dev on Jul 03, 2013 08:46 AM

great work! tv channels need to give publicity to such people.
If backing is given to such people,then things will improve very fast.because he has interest and ability in this field.

(i would ask indians ,when you donate to temples, please give 10% to such people )

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pravin sarode
Pollution control is a term used in environmental management
by pravin sarode on Jul 03, 2013 07:37 AM

Waste minimisation
Pollution control is a term used in environmental management. It means the control of emissions and effluents into air, water or soil. Without pollution control, the waste products from consumption, heating, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, transportation and other human activities, whether they accumulate or disperse, will degrade the environment. In the hierarchy of controls, pollution prevention and waste minimization are more desirable than pollution control. In the field of land development, low impact development is a similar technique for the prevention of urban runoff.

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arun shankar
by arun shankar on Jul 03, 2013 12:45 AM

Great Work Arun

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manju  khanna
by manju khanna on Jul 02, 2013 09:49 PM

Hi hats off to you. I want to join you.

Manju Khanna

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good job
by SAI RAM on Jul 02, 2013 09:07 PM

iwant join you

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India is dumping yard for WEST
by firstComment on Jul 02, 2013 07:08 PM  | Hide replies

there has been caught cases where WESTern countries have bribed Indians to dump garbage in ARABIAN SEA

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Kathir Krishnamurthi
Re: India is dumping yard for WEST
by Kathir Krishnamurthi on Jul 04, 2013 12:39 AM
Our sea resources are being stolen as well... by Chinese trawlers in Indian Ocean

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Great person in my eyes
by Steve on Jul 02, 2013 06:08 PM

You are a budding gem in my eyes. Indians need to realise that India is a garbage country because Indians spread dirt and rubbish which starts to decompose and that which does not clogs Around the world, people ensure that they don't dirty and throw rubbish and while you can clean it, never wait for the next person. Indian youth and educated literate people will bring about the revolution of tomorrow. In fact, the world dreads if the literate youth and people of India get together and work for any common productive cause without greed and built on sacrifice and added with proper plan and overall picture and common good! Come on my brothers, SHOW THE WAY, TODAY BEGUN IS HALF DONE, GROUP TOGETHER, NO CASTE GREED OR DISCRIMINATION!!!

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machani harikrishna
clean environment
by machani harikrishna on Jul 02, 2013 05:57 PM

it was very nice doing the environment should be clean and neat to others. it is very important that every person should and must do and spend little bit of time to make clean and neat the environment.

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Government is ridiculing him
by firstComment on Jul 02, 2013 05:57 PM

Wrong Example set he should have move high courts against inefficiecies of government officials

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