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This HIV+ orphan wants to be an IAS officer

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anand elumalai
What a determination!!!
by anand elumalai on Nov 15, 2012 05:47 PM

All the best Santhosh for ur dreams to become true.

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Bidyadhar Buxi
Keep it UP
by Bidyadhar Buxi on Nov 15, 2012 04:16 PM

i Salute u all..

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Suman Thapa
Be a life changeable man for the world
by Suman Thapa on Nov 15, 2012 04:04 PM

I am deeply overwhelm by Santosh's way of looking towards life. This is a real perception of life. Dr Manorama of CHES Ashram is doing much more than her profession. I wish may Santosh's dream come true. All the very Best, Santosh.

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Quality Engineers
all the best
by Quality Engineers on Nov 15, 2012 03:57 PM

i salute all the three of u i.e doctor,soldier & u for inspiring others

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Choose ARMY
by TAPAS KAMILA on Nov 15, 2012 03:40 PM


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lizy moothedan
Be a change Santhosh !
by lizy moothedan on Nov 15, 2012 03:31 PM

Dear Santhosh, it is of no matter what is the status of your life. It matters what you contribute to the society/world. It is very inspiring to know at this age you are dreaming big for the other. Who knows you may become one day someone whom the whole world will appreciate your person and what you are. From my side, I wish all the blessings and best of luck to you to what you wish to be. Go ahead Santhosh, yes, go ahead.

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