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How to SECURE your credit and debit cards

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mohit kumar
by mohit kumar on Jun 17, 2012 01:19 PM

what is new in this article. f......r journ.....o wasting our time vomitting nonsense

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premjit  pv
by premjit pv on Jun 17, 2012 11:36 AM

Have 2 bank accounts.Keep only a little money in one of this.As much as you can afford to loose.
Use only the card with this account for transfers and ATM use.Keep transferring money as and when u need from other account.

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Balu RT
very important info missing here is
by Balu RT on Jun 17, 2012 09:54 AM  | Hide replies

when a robber takes you to the ATM machine with knife behind you. just type the PIN no. in reverse direction that is 1234 to 4321. after this the money gets strucks to the machine and alaram bell goes on and also a message goes to the nearest police station. this message i got if from one of my friend.

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mohit kumar
Re: very important info missing here is
by mohit kumar on Jun 17, 2012 01:18 PM
you are right I also read this on FB, don't knw on WHOS PAGE

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Re: very important info missing here is
by katy on Jun 17, 2012 10:43 AM
This is wrong information 100% . Nothing happens on typing in reverse. Do readers expect any police station in India to do anything for a common Indian . Ha Ha

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Jagjit Ahuja
Re: Re: very important info missing here is
by Jagjit Ahuja on Jun 17, 2012 11:41 AM
You are right. Some one has just spread a wrong theory. What will you do if your pin is 7667.
We must verify before propagating such acts.

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by bestbargain7 on Jun 17, 2012 08:33 AM

Always secure your ATM Pins.
iPad under Rs 25. Visit bit~ly/IzobJF . Replace ~ by .

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Kamal Kant
See the video of how these ppl steal ur credit card info.
by Kamal Kant on Jun 17, 2012 07:43 AM

A video showing details of how credit card information is stolen is available at mypocketatm under atm/bank frauds section. watch the video and forward the link to your frnds also to make them aware of fraudsters.

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Satej Kumar
by Satej Kumar on Jun 17, 2012 02:10 AM

Use these cards at reputed and well known establishments preferably the ones not owned by ban i ya people.

Withdraw money from ATMs at the bank branches, preferably during daytime with a vigilant awareness of the surroundings.

Never brag about your limits or balances to other people in public.

Never tell ban i ya people you have these cards.

Biggest swindlers of other people's money are ban i ya people. Always be careful with money around them.

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nothing new
by vinodh on Jun 16, 2012 10:44 PM

This info is already known to most. tell something new.

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Communal Award
by Communal Award on Jun 16, 2012 03:12 PM  | Hide replies

"Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws." --Rothschild

Just print up your own money exclusively for your friends/family/community.
Hitler did the same(Reichsmark). Abraham Lincoln did the same(Greenback).

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Satej Kumar
Re: .
by Satej Kumar on Jun 17, 2012 02:16 AM

C o m m u,

You are in serious need of psychiatric help.

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