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Preparing the deaf for jobs and life

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Deepak Dave
noida Deaf society...!!!
by Deepak Dave on Jul 02, 2012 11:41 PM

after reading your total activity and work which having complete bearing on social work and also making human being on the same platform.. are you having any plans to start these activity in Ahmedabad.. since I have some inclination to provide my services in this fied,, since I closely know the plight of such kids as I have one in my family..

may I requet your response.. ??
Deepak Dave

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sunny rachel
Preparing Deaf for Job
by sunny rachel on Jul 02, 2012 11:15 PM

Very good article.I happend to visit one deaf and dumb school in barapani 30 km short of shillong in Meghalaya.First time I felt I am deaf and dumb trapped in a society where all inmates and the staff communicate so well with each other.Its a boarding school from nursary to 12th class which later upgraded to college and now going to be probably the first University for deaf and dumb.The talent of any deaf and dumb is much much better than common man.Sr Merly who found that school managing with her team of seven or eight sisters.Its a different world.Even people belong to Shillong is not much aware of this college/university.An amasing place to visit and feel how deaf and dumb we are.

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when are you NDS going to
by nitmohan on Jul 02, 2012 10:14 PM

give training to Indian Politicians......

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