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Sheetal Kaur
Fashion shows
by Sheetal Kaur on Oct 07, 2010 02:46 PM  | Hide replies

Why do these models walk and stand as if they are pregnant.
This trend is world over.
What are they trying to insinuate.

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Re: Fashion shows
by saradpower on Oct 07, 2010 03:15 PM
Male models are also pregnant ..

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navin chawla
Re: Re: Fashion shows
by navin chawla on Oct 07, 2010 10:57 PM
these males have no material even to make any female pregnant what to talk of their being pregnant themselves.

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Riyaz Ahmed
Re: Re: Fashion shows
by Riyaz Ahmed on Oct 07, 2010 03:16 PM
The dresses designed by Mr. Malhotra are not at all impressive..

Cholis are so deep that no only groom but all baratis will enjoy the valley between two mountains...

Bride is a princess for a day... not even i model looks good and same is the case with the costumes too...

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Ajit Birdi
Re: Re: Re: Fashion shows
by Ajit Birdi on Oct 07, 2010 03:39 PM
There is no magic in any of the dresses.
These dresses make the girl look like a p.r.o.s and not a bride.
They will ruin her special day.

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Akhilesh Mohan
Re: Fashion shows
by Akhilesh Mohan on Oct 07, 2010 05:35 PM
Yes and the best dress on a an ugly girl with all that heavy make up shall make her look decent

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pragati saxena
eye flu
by pragati saxena on Oct 07, 2010 01:54 PM  | Hide replies

is aishwarya suffering with conjunctivitis?
well seems so ...

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Akhilesh Mohan
Re: eye flu
by Akhilesh Mohan on Oct 07, 2010 05:36 PM
no she is suffering from

She hasnt done a good film in recent years - Ravan was all too standard stuff;

She needs to draw attention in a different way

what else shld prompt her to cat walk afte a gap of 15 years

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navin chawla
Re: eye flu
by navin chawla on Oct 07, 2010 10:59 PM
someone had earlier mentioned in these columns that Ash is unable to conceive becoz she has TB.Is that correct but her face also confirms as if she has it.Pls clarify

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srinivas satyanarayan
Looking at the title I thought it's Jaya bachan
by srinivas satyanarayan on Oct 07, 2010 01:53 PM

Rediff can put it as ishwarya bachhan

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Lalitha Ramakrishnan
by Lalitha Ramakrishnan on Oct 07, 2010 01:51 PM

When we are helplessly tossed on between inflation, corruption etc..Is this a big deal - what Ms Bachchan does, what Malhotra does, walking the ramp..

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