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shemmi kalra
success journey of hard workship
by shemmi kalra on May 08, 2010 04:01 PM

will u be the routine ias?will win over political system. good wishes.reply me after 5 years

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UEE Mission
Well Done Dear....
by UEE Mission on May 08, 2010 03:55 PM

Keep it up and take the Kashmir and our country to new heights..
Congrats Again....

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shambhu shaw
A message to UPSC Topper
by shambhu shaw on May 08, 2010 12:38 PM  | Hide replies

Kashmir to Kanya Kumari is one – It is proved by a Kashmiri called Faisal who tops UPSC. He picked pen rather than a gun and see the difference. He has become the true leader. His success is a true event which will definitely change the mind set of all those who are being diverted on blind end path.
Keep IT Up! Mr. Faisal
Remember what Robert Frost has said. I think these lines are meant for people like you whose effort can bring a change in every field……….
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

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Assad Shaikh
Re: A message to UPSC Topper
by Assad Shaikh on May 08, 2010 03:39 PM
well said dear

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Re: A message to UPSC Topper
by guru on May 08, 2010 03:34 PM
Agree with you , he has set an example for other youths in Kashmir for a ba=etter option for peace & harmony.

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cool dude
Re: Re: A message to UPSC Topper
by cool dude on May 08, 2010 03:46 PM
i think kashmiri not against peace.. as ifs so then no one supported parliament and assembly elections..but they voted in quite large number..

problem with politicians and people who take everything on extreme side.. for some people on this forum found muslim religion =terrorism ...

ofcourse large number of people from that side but its not meant we loose our temper and see everyone by that eyes only..


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mohammad zeeshan
Re: A message to UPSC Topper
by mohammad zeeshan on May 08, 2010 03:22 PM
Very aptly said..

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Sheikh Akber
Re: Re: A message to UPSC Topper
by Sheikh Akber on May 08, 2010 03:30 PM
well said!

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Karthik Narayan
Re: A message to UPSC Topper
by Karthik Narayan on May 08, 2010 03:33 PM
Another poem by robert frost also comes to my mind ... Two roads diverged in a yellow wood .... and i took the one less travelled by and that has made the difference.

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pawan kesarwani
what a feat !!!!!!!!!
by pawan kesarwani on May 08, 2010 12:35 PM

heartiest congrats to shah faisal and his mother. shah has proved that kashmir is an integral & sovereign part of india and in no ways kashmiris are deprived of any basic fundamental rights.

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AVIWEB WebSolution
Many Congratulation
by AVIWEB WebSolution on May 08, 2010 12:34 PM

Relly happ to C u as topper. Also feel good that in our coutry everyone is getting equal chance irrespective to community he/she belongs to. Hope u will get gret success and create a landmark for others specially in your own community who mostly prefer choices other than admin. severices.

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Aslam Ansari
by Aslam Ansari on May 08, 2010 12:30 PM  | Hide replies

My heartiest congratulation to you all your dear and near ones for this remarkable achievement. It is really a matter of great pride for the muslim community that you have topped the most coveted, sought-after and prestigious job in this country. May god guides you and all your coleagues to dispell the STEREOTIC PERCEPTIONS about the community. The fact that you have made this cut in the fact of all hardships and challenges makes it more adorable. I think, it comes after a gap of about 20-25 years when Mr Amir Subhani of Bihar topped in 1986 or thereabout.

It will definitely inspire the muslim youth/ community to dream that far.

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soumya rout
Re: Congrats
by soumya rout on May 08, 2010 12:39 PM
Don,t include everything to community ... we are indians and it will inspire to all not only muslim youth.

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Re: Re: Congrats
by KK on May 08, 2010 12:43 PM
He comes from a less than privileged background. and what's more, he worked hard against severe odds fighting off the death of his dad at militants hand when he was young.

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wizard oz
by wizard oz on May 08, 2010 12:27 PM

Heartiest congratulations to all the candidates & hope they will our country in a better manner by weeding out corruption

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malar muthuswamy
by malar muthuswamy on May 08, 2010 12:26 PM

Hearty Congrats!

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kv manyam
by kv manyam on May 08, 2010 12:22 PM  | Hide replies


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by GLADIATOR on May 08, 2010 12:31 PM
This man's remarkable success in the face of daunting odds should be an inspiration to us all. It should be an eye opener to the Pakistanis who think that Kashmir is their part. The fact is that this man's father, a well respected teacher was brutally killed by Pakistani terrorists. Shaking of this incident, he studied hard with focus and achieved an impossible dream. Only merit counts and nothing else.

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