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I Blog
Dr. Mahelkar
by I Blog on Mar 24, 2010 08:05 PM  | Hide replies

His greatest service to country-- he later became Director General of CSIR (the largest Scientific body in India) and CSIR progressed in his regime. I could say this because I have been a part of CSIR for some time.

AND rediff please get some credible reporters and editors so that at least you could put your news should have some professional quality.

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I Blog
Re: Dr. Mahelkar
by I Blog on Mar 24, 2010 08:08 PM
should have = with

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Re: Mother ???
by BR on Mar 24, 2010 07:43 PM
This is the case where the son did beyond expectations of his mother. Mother did her job, but son went extremely beyond anyone asked him to .

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bhuvanesh Kumar
Re: Re: Mother ???
by bhuvanesh Kumar on Mar 24, 2010 09:19 PM

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singh pratap
Great Inspiration
by singh pratap on Mar 23, 2010 09:57 PM  | Hide replies

He is coming to deliver Lecture in UDCT on 25th at 5.30 New Auditorium, be their if you wanna meet him.

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Devdutt Nayak
one request
by Devdutt Nayak on Mar 23, 2010 07:42 PM


My life's purpose is to make innovation a way of life in Indian industry. I believe that the grand challenges of the future are going to be solved not by individuals, institutions, independent nations, but by a global network. I preside over the Global Research Alliance of over 60,000 scientists from nine countries where we look at big problems by pooling global resources. We address issues of climate change, water, inequality and so on to make an attempt in having an inclusive world through innovation, using our understanding of S & T.

just one request - please solve politics - mischievous kids with loaded machine guns are not a good choice of individuals to run a planet!

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kishore tendolkar
by kishore tendolkar on Mar 24, 2010 02:31 PM
earlier i was of opinion that MNS is wrong in beating biharis & upites; however your above message proves that you deserved the same treatment.

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by Rythm on Mar 23, 2010 03:26 PM

Amazing grit, Mr Mashelkar.

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Vinayak Naik
by Vinayak Naik on Mar 23, 2010 11:56 AM  | Hide replies

the worst anomaly is HOW COME YOU JOINED RELINACE - MUKESH AMBANI GROUP who is planning to dislocate thousands so that his billions are ok !

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We do loose Millions such every year
by M on Mar 23, 2010 11:54 AM  | Hide replies

We do loose Millions such every year.
Opportunities are so less rather being snatched from the deserving in innumerable cases moreover now a days there is a conscious drive to make education out of reach from the lesser privileged.

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Re: We do loose Millions such every year
by M on Mar 23, 2010 11:54 AM
shame on our politicos

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