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shahihussain shaik
Well done Rajesh
by shahihussain shaik on Jul 09, 2010 01:56 AM  | Hide replies

I only got 69% with all my body parts intact.
Oye, you have scored 72%

So, I now know am useless moron.
God Bless You

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madan menon
Re: Well done Rajesh
by madan menon on Jul 09, 2010 12:33 PM
you accepted the trugh, that's good enough. You are certainly not useless. You too can fight in the years to come..BEST OF LUCK..

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Re: Well done Rajesh
by Raghavan on Jul 09, 2010 11:18 AM
So great of you to have been so candid.But you are not useless.
God Bless you.

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Anup Mishra
He proves it wrong!!
by Anup Mishra on Jul 09, 2010 01:07 AM  | Hide replies

Congrats Rajesh! You have proven it wrong that one's fate is written in the lines of hands. Keep writing your fate with your legs. heart felt best wishes. Thanks to SUPPORT and REDIFF.

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Geetesh Talajia
Congratulations to Rajest & SUPPORT
by Geetesh Talajia on Jul 08, 2010 11:13 PM

This real life story is just remarkable. Its showing the heights that a person can achieve by his determination.

Both the guys Rajesh & SUPPORT deserves equal congratulations. Just imagine the fight he mut have had when he was quieting his smoking habit. And more important look the boy has not got any attitude even if after achieving the remarkable success.

I am just wondering where is the media? Why are they not focusing on such stories. It is indeed an inspiration to others. Thanks to rediff for posting the article.

Bravo to my dear fellow India. Hats-off.

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Geetesh Talajia
Congratulations to Rajest & SUPPORT
by Geetesh Talajia on Jul 08, 2010 11:12 PM

This real life story is just remarkable. Its showing the heights that a person can achieve by his determination.

Both the guys Rajesh & SUPPORT deserves equal congratulations. Just imagine the fight he mut have had when he was quieting his smoking habit. And more important look the boy has not got any attitude even if after achieving the remarkable success.

I am just wondering where is the media? Why are they not focusing on such stories. It is indeed an inspiration to others. Thanks to rediff for posting the article.

Bravo to my dear fellow India. Hats-off.

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by iota on Jul 08, 2010 06:30 PM  | Hide replies

Don't have words to describe the work being done by SUPPORT.

Contrast this with Billions collected in Taxes and then Wasted away by THUGS.

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Rajesh, I wish you all the best!
by Julius on Jul 08, 2010 06:14 PM

Tears in my eyes! What a touching story! I feel for my country's men and women who have so much potential. But many unfortunate ones due to lack of social support end up wasted. Kudos to the genuine souls who run such organizations where kids like Rajesh are lightening up their lives!

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usha sundaram
Best Wishes
by usha sundaram on Jul 08, 2010 05:41 PM

He is truly an inspiration. Let Almighty continue to help him achieve everything that he sets his mind to.

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Primrose Simmonds
Well done Rajes
by Primrose Simmonds on Jul 08, 2010 05:16 PM

My heart goes out to you...I think your so inspirational to others..thanks for putting a smile on my face..Prims

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ramesh menon
Thanks Rajesh!!!
by ramesh menon on Jul 08, 2010 03:19 PM

I thank you for the grit,courage,never-giveup attitude,determination and your real hard work & above all for showing 'healthy'people like us that all is not lost till the last breath.Hope one day you be a candidate in your district and win elections and give direction to the people and contribute to society further!!

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