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Harikrishnan J
Do some research before putting these...
by Harikrishnan J on Jul 10, 2010 02:11 AM  | Hide replies

Backpacking is something wherein u stay someplace other than in a regular hotel. It involves stayin at hostels or sometimes even camping out. What these ppl do is plain old vanilla travel, nothin else. Isn't there real backpackers out there? Do some research Mr. Author...

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Re: Do some research before putting these...
by V SR on Jul 11, 2010 10:14 AM
I never knew that backpacking includes great planning for hotels, etc. Looks like these couples just go on a holiday, consider this as backpacking.

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nitin patil
Bhogles paradox
by nitin patil on Jul 09, 2010 07:57 AM  | Hide replies

Bhogun bhogun thaktil va lavakarach devpujela lagatil !

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Nitin Dutt
Re: Bhogles paradox
by Nitin Dutt on Jul 09, 2010 10:23 AM
Sorry, I did'nt get you.

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Re: Re: Bhogles paradox
by commonsense on Jul 09, 2010 10:41 AM
He means, they will get tired of all sight seeing and start praying for kids

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Argumentative Indian
Re: Re: Re: Bhogles paradox
by Argumentative Indian on Jul 09, 2010 10:46 AM
Praying for kids? What, aren't we supposed to do any of our work ourselves? :)

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Bhogles paradox
by MOON MOON on Jul 09, 2010 11:14 AM
LOL LOL LOL God has given the tools and we have to use it !!!!!

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Re: Re: Re: Bhogles paradox
by V SR on Jul 11, 2010 10:15 AM
She says they dont want kids as it will hinder them in their travels.

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Argumentative Indian
Re: Bhogles paradox
by Argumentative Indian on Jul 09, 2010 11:00 AM
Is Soon and Mool Pooja beter than Dev Pooja?

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jos stephen
enjoyment as a family
by jos stephen on Jul 09, 2010 05:00 AM  | Hide replies

dear adventurous couple,
backpack and enjoy as late as you can.. when you feel doublesome is enough, plan for a kid or two.. initial few years might be toiling.. but with a little extra care you may make it more enjoyable.. imagine a toddler running amidst the green mellows while you are sitting and relaxing .. that joy has no bounds.. only a few extra bags to pack.. imagine the little ones chatting away to glory and narrating imaginatory stories in the back seat of the car while you are on a countryside trip.. so enjoy all parts of life.. with best wishes for you all from a family of backpackers..

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nitin patil
Re: enjoyment as a family
by nitin patil on Jul 09, 2010 07:50 AM
Thank you Stephen for putting across a message most poetically. I think this should ring the bill in the minds of all such' Bhogles ' who are likely to rethink about their priorities soon !

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Argumentative Indian
Re: Re: enjoyment as a family
by Argumentative Indian on Jul 09, 2010 10:56 AM
Unfortunately, very unfortunately, the long years of toddlers running amidst green medows and narrating imaginatory (whatever) stories, lasts for around a total of 5 years.

Thereafter, reality steps in.

Indian society is changing. There are many among us, who inspite of wishing to, cannot look after our parents, due to various reasons. There are many of our elders, who despite having all the wealth, long for the company of their grandchildren, which maynot always be possible.
It is inevitable, that society will slowly move towards the American model in that old people and I will also grow old someday, unless those lovely white sticks that I consumed religiously in my youth send me packing off in middle age with lung cancer, will end up either alone or in elder care homes.

In times like this, only one word can describe the condition of romantics, miserable.

I am a father, and a pretty good one at that, I have empirical evidence to prove it, though its too personal to be shared. However, I am clear, my daughter is with me, till she is a child, period.

Hence, I equally respect those who would rather not spend their time on children.

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Sameer Bhagwat
Re: Re: Re: enjoyment as a family
by Sameer Bhagwat on Jul 11, 2010 03:21 AM
Well Mr Indian, there are still enough Indians out there who care for their parents , especially in India. I am sure you are in the US and watching goras ,think that we Indians are that way. We are Not!
You have spoiled your child life by growing her up in the US in the backseat of you car half her life going to desi stores and malls, when she should be playing around enjoying the cultures of India.

For your own selfish needs you guys settle in US and then try to bracket Indians with your life.

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Sameer Bhagwat
No kids?
by Sameer Bhagwat on Jul 08, 2010 08:26 PM  | Hide replies

Selfish creatures. Do they know the joy of bringing up kids?

I wish their parents had thought the same way.

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Argumentative Indian
Re: No kids?
by Argumentative Indian on Jul 09, 2010 10:50 AM
I also wish their parents had thought the same way. However, then their parents' parents should have thought the same, applying the same logic. Furhter the parents, of the parents' parents also should have thought the same way.
Thus, I feel the factually accurate wish would be:

"I wish their forefathers, going back to the time, when they were unable to use the mental faculty to constrain reproduction, were impotent".

This is my very humble submission.

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Praveen Kumar
Re: No kids?
by Praveen Kumar on Jul 09, 2010 04:03 AM
I wish there were more such 'selfish' people around so we won't have this kind of population explosion...

So what if they are thinking for themselves? You are accusing them for somebody who doesn't even exist !!

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Re: Re: No kids?
by commonsense on Jul 09, 2010 10:39 AM
Obviously you are not in touch with reality. Cream of any society/culture in the world is middle class. If they chose not to have children, you cannot imagine the impact it will have on the society. Population explosion is being caused by bottom rung of the society who mostly do not contribute anything to society rather they are moochers. if middle class population gets diminished you will most certainly have anarchy.

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Argumentative Indian
Re: Re: Re: No kids?
by Argumentative Indian on Jul 09, 2010 10:48 AM
Hence, each middle class person should produce at least 1.5 times the children produced by the 'Moocher Class', to maintain society.

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rigved dubhashi
Re: No kids?
by rigved dubhashi on Jul 09, 2010 07:09 AM
What's your problem?

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Jhandu Singh
i see
by Jhandu Singh on Jul 08, 2010 04:34 PM  | Hide replies

shoaib and sania have made their intentions clear and they have a similar agenda too..

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prem k
Re: i see
by prem k on Jul 08, 2010 05:39 PM
Just like Dhrithrashtra and Gandhari, they will produce 100 terrorists

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Nitin Dutt
Re: Re: i see
by Nitin Dutt on Jul 09, 2010 10:22 AM
It seems you have missed your mahabharta lessons.

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Jhandu Singh
i see...
by Jhandu Singh on Jul 08, 2010 04:33 PM

shoaib and sania have also made their intentions clear and they have a similar agenda..

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Argumentative Indian
Not Having Kids is bhery bad Idea
by Argumentative Indian on Jul 07, 2010 03:01 PM  | Hide replies

What do this couple think of themselves, that people like us will only have to shoulder the burden of making and maintaining India at the # 1 station of world population productivity?
They have no responsibility of increasing India's population?

Secondly, if they are not having children then who will throw them out of their houses, and push them into a friendly old age home, as some of us will do to our parents eventually and as most of our kids will do to us, their padosi's children?

Do these fellows even realize the pain of living alone in a large house, with lots of money, servants, no rules & discipline when you are an old person? Do they know how insulting it is if there is no daughter in law to lovingly tell you what household work you should finish before she returns from her work and no son to tell you what work you should do outside the house, like paying the bills, taking the dog for a walk, attending leakage in pipes etc., so that you feel wanted and needed?

Also, no children then only recereation, no procreation? This is unnatural, are they knowing this or not? If like this then very soon all humans become like DoDo bard (bird).

Why are they earning money, if they don't have kids?

These fellows will realije when they grow up.

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Li Na
Re: Not Having Kids is bhery bad Idea
by Li Na on Jul 07, 2010 11:10 PM

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Shashank Tamhaney
Re: Not Having Kids is bhery bad Idea
by Shashank Tamhaney on Jul 08, 2010 09:35 AM
Superb! Simply hilarius!! I was laughing throughout!

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logical thoughts
Re: Not Having Kids is bhery bad Idea
by logical thoughts on Jul 20, 2010 11:03 AM
I completely agree with you. We are a happily married couple and we chose not to have children. We are in our erly 30 and both of us are well settled by the grace of God. Parents and in laws have also accepted happily as they realised the points when we explained. Just for the sake of bringing a child as everyone is bringing one, and planning to suffer at the end of life for this thankless job,we decided against it. And we both are so happy about it. We can not give 25 years to someone just like that.We are very sure we are not missing anything when we see parents slapping their kids for crying in restaurent or kids pulling their parents hairs for a toy. God bless :-)

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Re: Not Having Kids is bhery bad Idea
by iota on Jul 07, 2010 07:29 PM
hahaha.... well written.
Its their choice though!

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d s
Re: Re: Not Having Kids is bhery bad Idea
by d s on Jul 07, 2010 10:51 PM
mujhe god lelenge

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