MBA required
by katy on Feb 28, 2010 08:07 PM | Hide replies
MBA is the most overrated , hyped qualification of the last century. It is tom tom med and talked about MBA 's themselves only. Why people hire MBA 's ? MBA only hire MBA's and as western countries created this qualification. MBA from any institute in the world does not add any value to business . It is FAD to hire MBA's. Recession has demonstrated this amply . India has the maximum so called B - school. They teach you business at B school. Then why do MBA's work for others. MBA at best is a screening mechanism to screen graduates . In two years can one learn business . Every Indian halwai , contractor , builder , crook , failed business house has floated a MBA school and fools poor indian middle class. India has the maximum no. of MBA institutes in the world. Thanks to corrupt AICTE . Indians needs basic education and polytechnics not any MBA's .
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