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human resourse management solved question paper
by pari on Mar 20, 2011 09:14 PM  | Hide replies

sir pls give me the solved question paper of human resourse management of may 2005

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Re: human resourse management solved question paper
by pari on Mar 20, 2011 09:16 PM
how do communication and motivation differ according to the difference in cultures of organisation.

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MBA required
by katy on Feb 28, 2010 08:07 PM

MBA is the most overrated , hyped qualification of the last century.

It is tom tom med and talked about MBA 's themselves only.

Why people hire MBA 's ? MBA only hire MBA's and as western countries created this qualification.

MBA from any institute in the world does not add any value to business . It is FAD to hire MBA's.

Recession has demonstrated this amply .

India has the maximum so called B - school. They teach you business at B school.
Then why do MBA's work for others.

MBA at best is a screening mechanism to screen graduates . In two years can one learn business .

Every Indian halwai , contractor , builder , crook , failed business house has floated a MBA school and fools poor indian middle class.

India has the maximum no. of MBA institutes in the world.

Thanks to corrupt AICTE . Indians needs basic education and polytechnics not any MBA's .

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by focus on Feb 24, 2010 11:50 AM  | Hide replies

i am ex student of nmims. wheres d classes going on now??

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James Dsouza
Re: n
by James Dsouza on Mar 03, 2010 04:49 PM
In Mithibai (opp building to NMIMS)

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