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kanmani vasu
by kanmani vasu on Feb 10, 2010 04:58 PM  | Hide replies

CIBIL scores are detoriated even if the customer precloses the card, or the loan. At times when the banks miss out in claiming certain charges, the customer history is under scanner and this parallely hits on to the scors.

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Manoj Tiwary
by Manoj Tiwary on Feb 13, 2010 11:07 AM
CIBIL scores detoriates if card or loan is preclosed as settlement.If your payment history is perfect you don't have to worry from preclosure.Infact here preclosure increases your cibil rating.

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Shri Kant
by Shri Kant on Feb 15, 2010 05:01 PM
I take credit in case I have a problem with natural funds. However, when I have access to my own funds and decide to repay (foreclose) the entire outstanding, why does my name have to go to CIBIL. The gluttonous banks only want my loan/credit card to continue so that they can rake in profits via usurious interest rates.

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kanmani vasu
by kanmani vasu on Feb 10, 2010 04:57 PM

CIBIL scores are detoriated even if the customer precloses the card, or the loan. At times when the banks miss out in claiming certain charges, the customer history is under scanner and this parallely hits on to the scors.

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Kanmani Vasu
by Kanmani Vasu on Feb 10, 2010 04:57 PM

CIBIL scores are detoriated even if the customer precloses the card, or the loan. At times when the banks miss out in claiming certain charges, the customer history is under scanner and this parallely hits on to the scors.

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Atanu Chatterjee
by Atanu Chatterjee on Feb 10, 2010 02:47 PM  | Hide replies

CIBIL shouldnt be the sole determining criteria to offer or refuse the loans to the customers. More often than not it has been found that the report they provide is incorrect, one-sided, not upto date. At best it can have a very small weightage

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killer cock
F*#K off articles
by killer cock on Feb 10, 2010 08:58 AM  | Hide replies

Rediff please spend time and energy on better articles

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Prakash Nadar
Re: F*#K off articles
by Prakash Nadar on Feb 16, 2010 03:59 AM
this is a good article.

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Mak C
Genuine query...
by Mak C on Feb 10, 2010 08:19 AM  | Hide replies

I am not interested in paying for knowing my credit rating. Are irritating calls offering loans and credit cards sufficient to conclude that all is well when one genuinely needs a loan? Thanks in anticipation....

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rahul bhadra
Re: Genuine query...
by rahul bhadra on Feb 12, 2010 11:35 AM
solicitation or marketing calls are mearely calling u from a data base and would check your credit history when you apply fro the loan
- you or you friends can contact me for SBI HOME LOAN in Pune
Regards-HLC SBI

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Manoj Tiwary
Re: Genuine query...
by Manoj Tiwary on Feb 12, 2010 06:35 PM
You don't have to worry for CIBIL if you have not taken any loan or you have repaid or making payments regularly.

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Mak C
Re: Re: Genuine query...
by Mak C on Feb 12, 2010 08:14 PM
Rahul, Manoj...Thanks...

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Atanu Chatterjee
Re: Genuine query...
by Atanu Chatterjee on Feb 10, 2010 02:40 PM
interesting :)

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Mak C
Re: Re: Genuine query...
by Mak C on Feb 10, 2010 08:26 PM
Thanks, Are you always so helpful, or this is one of your better moods???

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Sree Kumar
CIBIL can give sleepless nights
by Sree Kumar on Feb 09, 2010 06:21 PM  | Hide replies

I first heard about the ghost called CIBIL in 2009 when I had applied for my home loan. The agent of the bank who had taken my papers told me that my name is appearing in CIBIL because there is some old credit card outstanding.

Now I was confused because I didn't remember any such outstanding as I do not use cards so frequently.

It later turned out to be incorrect information. I can joke about it now but it certainly gave me some sleepless nights then.

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Manoj Tiwary
Re: CIBIL can give sleepless nights
by Manoj Tiwary on Feb 12, 2010 06:38 PM
After making final payment of any loan don't forget to take the N.O.C from the financial institution from which you had availed the loan

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rahul bhadra
Re: CIBIL can give sleepless nights
by rahul bhadra on Feb 12, 2010 11:38 AM
every Systerm Has it Pros and cons!
you or you friends can contact me for SBI HOME LOAN in Pune
Regards-HLC SBI

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