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Foolish project - please come out of western charity mindset
by patriot on May 12, 2010 11:51 AM  | Hide replies

I dont find this rational.. Why do the urban people always think that if there is no electricity based lampts, the village is dark.. do they know the dynamics of the villages?

Each village home, lights up themselves using Oil lamps or latest kerosene lamps. It may not be sophisticated, but we have to understand that they have a means to light themselves.

The need of the hour is to put science and engineering in enhancing the usability of the existing materials that they are using.

Please dont be in a utopian world.. Please dont think rural always means backward or dark.. Learn to acknowledge the different lifestyles, other than the sterile urban that you are used to.

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Re: Foolish project - please come out of western charity mindset
by To BET on May 13, 2010 08:41 PM
I wonder how foolish one can get when one an opinion that the use and dependency of fossile fuel is equal to putting an astronaut on the moon? Wake up patriot! Its time that rural India moved on to use more appropriate products rather than make 'old crap' to be repackaged as being more suitable...


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Re: Foolish project - please come out of western charity mindset
by To BET on May 13, 2010 08:42 PM
I wonder how foolish one can get when one an opinion that the use and dependency of fossile fuel is equal to putting an astronaut on the moon? Wake up patriot! Its time that rural India moved on to use more appropriate products rather than make 'old crap' to be repackaged as being more suitable...


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Loknath Rao
what a waste of votebank
by Loknath Rao on May 04, 2010 07:47 AM

Good Job but Sharad Pawar and Bal Thackrey may not like this. You have made them poorer by 500 bucks and produced some potential defecters who would have otherwise voted these dirty leaders for one more term in return for empty promises. In fact our leaders just love poverty and haplessness. I hope the ligths glow for atleast an year

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good job!!
by richa on May 03, 2010 01:46 PM

word is a constraint for appraise their work.

keep the same sprit!!

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Dinesh Joshi
Welll.. done!!!
by Dinesh Joshi on May 03, 2010 01:27 PM

This is good work.. We need to be sensitive towards underprivileged... such efforts can substantially contribute to the various causes in rural india..

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These college kids want to light up 'dark India'
by UthistaBharata on May 02, 2010 06:18 AM

Great job, development of rural India is real development.

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Vishnu Sharma
There are other things which can be done using Solar
by Vishnu Sharma on May 02, 2010 12:26 AM

Like Solar Cookers, Solar powered Sewing machines etc.

It is important to keep the LED acid batteries in separate small rooms with good ventilation to preserve the health of the villagers.

I also wanted to bring Tatami Mats to villages.

OLED based devices have a big scope in all of INDIA.

It is up to Indians to take a big lead in this

The Government is well advised to fully back OLED technology based projects in the near future since the potential for this is astronomical.

We need Indians to take to the furthering of OLED technologies in a big way.

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Vishnu Sharma
This is exactly what I have been advocating all along !
by Vishnu Sharma on May 01, 2010 10:52 PM

This should be replicated all across India.

The KIRAN SOLAR LANTERN is what they are using.

Google it up and you will know.

Gradually our villages have to be brought up to par with cities using this methodology.
It is a challenge for the Urban folks to bring this about.

One Bad Practice I have noticed which needs to be discouraged is to keep the solar Lantern on the ground itself while studying.

It will prove injurious to the eyes in the long run.

We need to hang these lamps from 8 feet high to prevent this.

Thank you rediff for bringing this story.

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Rajan Bhagwat
by Rajan Bhagwat on Apr 28, 2010 06:16 PM

This is learninng by doing .This is what our eduction system needs to transform students into resourceful , responsible, capable, confidant citizens India can be proud of. I almost choked with emotions reading this , it is just brilliant !!!

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hasile fisile
by hasile fisile on Apr 28, 2010 05:27 PM  | Hide replies

Bravo people! You truly deserve an applause and Award like Padma Bhushan or something...not muffs like Aishwarya Rai and Saif Ali Khan who won it for their D-grade acting!

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lover boy
Re: Bravo!
by lover boy on May 01, 2010 11:00 PM
What does the article or the activity mentioned has anything to do with Aishwarya and Saif???

Just by praising the efforts and "recommending" an award does not absolve you from your responsibility. By saying " bravo" to someones else efforts does not entitles you to belittle others contribution.

Also community development, art, culture, sports, economics, education are different fields, but then again I didnt think you would get it.

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Balaji Sampath
dark state
by Balaji Sampath on Apr 27, 2010 06:58 PM  | Hide replies

Entire Tamil Nadu should be called Dark State due to power cuts. We need serious help from these kids. Good Job!!! People don't really need Govt to solve their problems, especially when the Govt and the politicians are their main problems. Few good men can change the quality of life with or without Govt's help.

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hasile fisile
Re: dark state
by hasile fisile on Apr 28, 2010 05:25 PM
dude! TN is sooo much better than ANY state in India. Have you been to UP??

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Loknath Rao
Re: Re: dark state
by Loknath Rao on May 04, 2010 07:51 AM
who said TN is better.. Its the most BOGUS state in India. People vote Govt to power for a chicken biryani and there is no reliability of power, no good water to drink, the only river that chennai has is a stinking drain that even animals have stopped venturing into and chennaited live there and call it river side homes. I have lived in 20 states in India and I can vouch that Gujarat is the only state worthy of praise.

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KN Simhan
Re: dark state
by KN Simhan on May 01, 2010 10:42 PM
Dear Balaji,
What stops you from emulating them.

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