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Marital discord: Faking It excerpt

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Rajeev Singh
marital nonsense
by Rajeev Singh on Jun 29, 2009 03:10 PM  | Hide replies

sThe language is nondescript. The issues are mundane and the theme has a tinge of jaded feminism in it.Women writers are still trapped in the mould where they have to show how "strong" the female character is by making her walk out of a seemingly "boring" marriage and having an extra-marital affair. Is there no other way a woman can be shown to be having an "independent" character?
What about the husband? Why should he feel so contented by playing the roles of the earner, provider, caring husband and a doting father? Why should not he simply feel similarly bored, disgusted and dischanted and throw away his family and run after other women.Why is he is supposed to be happy with it and not question it.
Further the lady in question is dischanted with her marriage and she goes off to some other man. What does this other man do? He is some short of a jet-setting art collector.So, since he is going all over the globe all the time pursing art collections, will he be able to give enough attention and time to the lady in question? Obviously not! Then what is the difference between this man and the husband? Both of them are same. Infact all men are same. All men have to pursue their careers/ jobs to slave and slog and fulfill the desires of their wives, whether it be an art collector or the husband in question.So what is the guarantee that the lady in question will not dump this jet-setter art collector.
Is it not time women writers get over their fixed mind sets .

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Nat Geo
Re: marital nonsense
by Nat Geo on Jul 04, 2009 10:08 PM
True. And when men walk out of their bored and mundane lives (read wives) into the arms of other women, they are labeled as MCPs while women doing the same are "strong, independent, liberal".

Double standards.

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Ab J
Re: marital nonsense
by Ab J on Jun 29, 2009 11:28 PM
exactly my thoughts.well said.

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Nat Geo
Re: marital nonsense
by Nat Geo on Jul 04, 2009 10:08 PM
True. And when men walk out of their bored and mundane lives (read wives) into the arms of other women, they are labeled as MCPs while women doing the same are "strong, independent, liberal".

Double standards.

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Nat Geo
Re: marital nonsense
by Nat Geo on Jul 04, 2009 10:09 PM
True. And when men walk out of their bored and mundane lives (read wives) into the arms of other women, they are labeled as MCPs while women doing the same are "strong, independent, liberal".

Double standards.

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Superb, Superlative, a 10 on the wow scale
by cooldiffusion on Jun 29, 2009 03:00 PM  | Hide replies

Wow! well crafted sentences and dialogue, this could very well mean another Booker from India. Great going Amrita - it's amazing how all that literary, talent, academic brilliance and professional execellence can come in one person. Just one suggestion - some/lot of your sentences lack the energy and they come across a a tad jaded. Also some of the dialogue seems a tad artificial. It might help if you take a long break from your work, trek in the mountains for a few months, doing yoga and meditation. This will help in clearing the sh*t from your mind and help you turn out something more exciting.

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pawan bhandari
Re: Superb, Superlative, a 10 on the wow scale
by pawan bhandari on Jul 01, 2009 10:25 AM
Booker! are you kidding?

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wizardo id
Re: Re: Superb, Superlative, a 10 on the wow scale
by wizardo id on Jul 02, 2009 12:12 PM
if it trashes india, it will win a booker. if she calls the west as a trashy society they'll call her a hooker.

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Chirantani Dey
not impressive
by Chirantani Dey on Jun 29, 2009 02:22 PM

Not impressed. Language not up to the mark...Of very little literary value...

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max skinner
by max skinner on Jun 29, 2009 02:11 PM

1.Establish some sort of valid academic credentials.
2.Write rubbish book.
3.Put the excerpts on news websites.
4.Appear on TV shows.
5.Start a rally or public gathering with all media attention.

Doing steps 1 to 5 will make sure you become a well known writer who gets a Booker prize,it hardly matters if you have any sort of writing talent at all.

Amrita Choudhary will surely agree with this.

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gautam mandal
shitty book
by gautam mandal on Jun 29, 2009 01:53 PM

The story line is old and jaded. A bored wife and a husband who thinks he is doing a great job by pursuing a career. The wife has an affair as she claims that she is bored and the husband thinks that he is doing a fantastic job trying to earn and provide for the family. I wonder, why men do not act "bored" by the roles they have to play.

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Third Grade Book....
by Jas on Jun 29, 2009 01:38 PM

Stay Away.... A Suggestive Title... with completely unrelated content.

Another Jhumpa Lahiri in the making - who writes for awards - but the writing is full of nonsense.

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Ab J
A book
by Ab J on Jun 29, 2009 11:39 AM

A book can be written by a fiercely analytical mind or a fiercely deranged mind, with 8 patents or 888 patents, its really doesnt count for a rat's behind. A book can be on any topic, written by anyone. But over and above anything, it should capture your interest by its content and narrative style. The bond bewteen the author and reader is paramount. A book that is sought to be sold because the author is xyz or a reader who reads because of that, both are dishonest. Shelves are overflowing with unreadable, boring to death books, no one cares whether they are read or burnt. It is very tough task to write a good book,it doesnt matter in the least how many patents you have or which great country you are living in.

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faking it
by prithviraj on Jun 28, 2009 03:55 PM

not worth it. its a fake effort on the part of the author.

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john rambo
it aint worth
by john rambo on Jun 28, 2009 02:19 AM

even 2 rupee...

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rajesh singh
Not 'fake it' but it should be 'fu** it' !!
by rajesh singh on Jun 26, 2009 05:30 PM

I dont know where from these rediff guys post news from. I read recently a novel "That hardly happens to Someone!' by Rajesh Singh which covers beatifully all aspects of life of youngsters. Better read that than this poo---pooo from a writer without top floor in her body.

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