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Call centres: Good, bad or ugly?

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Genpact Employee
VV Giri Report is True
by Genpact Employee on Nov 24, 2005 05:28 PM

The VV Giri report is very True. I am working with Genpact for more than 4 years now and have experienced the same. I have seen Losing my incentives which make upto 1/3 of my salary just because I couldnt predict that I will fall ill before 72 hrs. Taking upto 110 calls a day and each call lasting for upto 3 - 4 minutes. That means speaking non stop for 5 - 6 hours. Leaves are never approved as the process is always short of staffing ( for 4 Years ). Unbelievable but True. Salutes to VV Giri report to expose this to the World.

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call centre
by kiran on Nov 22, 2005 03:21 AM  | Hide replies

call centre is a very good job to earn money in a very short span of time for youngsters, most of them are investing this amount in their career oriented field like software..etc, and making their future successfull

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RE:call centre
by G.Vivek.Raj on Dec 03, 2005 03:07 PM
dear anil,
The benefit for the organization as well as with the economy is in the hands of the employees. They are important, the crutial factor is that how the BPO's are treating them in order to gain benefits. Greatness dosent come in achieving something it comes by recognition that it was done in a good manner.

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Anil Joseph
BPO Career - The truth, seldom spoken about !!
by Anil Joseph on Nov 02, 2005 01:27 AM

I feel sad for people who think "BPO Sucks"....these are probably those who would never get hired if they were to try...

Only 6 Candidates out of 100 appearing in an interview get into the Best managed BPO's in Bangalore.
This Career provides Employees more Developmental opportunities on Skills and Knowledge than any other industry.
No other industry gives a more comprehensive experience on Leadership and People Management...
This industry unlike others has provided more employment opportunities for different sections of society and as a result has increased the Standard of living for millions of people in this country..
Our FOREX Reserves are where it is today, thanks to this industry...(to an extent that Top Leaders would refuse to take help from developed nations during calamities like Tsunami).
What are we talking about.....

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ram jee kushwaha
call centre
by ram jee kushwaha on Nov 01, 2005 11:21 AM

in my openion,call centres are the most powerful industry,which is providing employment for a lot of youths.so we cant solely condemed them.at a side in india unemloyment is soring like any thing.so these call centres are giving opportunity to our youths to be selfdependent,and to live a respectable life.

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bhumika chatterjee
call centers
by bhumika chatterjee on Oct 29, 2005 01:12 PM  | Hide replies

I havent worked in a call center so far but know quite a few who work for that.its pity to see them go late at nights,changing their normal routine work, recently a friend of mine got teribally ill as she was not eating propely, there might be so many suffering from the same probleme, but what i have from most is who cares when we are being, but as far as i am conserened i think " Health is Wealth" so basicaly i feel that it has a really ugly face apart from the attractive salary.

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sumit singhal
RE:call centers
by sumit singhal on Nov 04, 2005 12:30 PM
atleast everybody is recognizing the fact that the call centres give attractive salaries and that too without requiring a very high skill set.
i have heard that they are getting as much as 20k.

look at the opposite side of the coin, and you will see that in India, people with really high skill set, like lawyers, engineers and doctors are earning much less. i have seen engineers working for 3500 pm, lawyers start their day with 4000 pm, doctors working in private nursing homes getting 6000 pm.
and what is the starting payscale for bank PO's and doctors in govt. hospitals.

infact c. centre employees are getting too much for nothing,
but the problem is that the people who join call centres are in reality mediocres and zombies, who want to enjoy their new found wealth and doesnot want to invest this money or their time to develop skill set for their future. (read : where else is the future for mediocres in INDIA)

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Kiron Bose
Call centres
by Kiron Bose on Oct 29, 2005 08:56 AM

Dear All,
If you do not like to work in call centres it is your choice .There is no SLAVERY to chose a profession.If you are a Doctor or a nurse or flight controller or a hotel employee you have to work in very difficult & demanding situation .Do you guys there know that doctors in maternity /labour wards cannot even sit for a minute when they work at night .That is a life & death situation.But nobody bothers to speak a word for the UNSUNG HEROES .While as a call center employee a lot of things are written in the media ,why is that so .If you do not want to work in a call centre walk out & struggle to find a job somewhere you are there because if your own selfish reasons .May god be with you !!!

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by geo on Oct 28, 2005 01:32 PM

Lets face it . people working in call centres are there for the money..its not to improve there people skills or confidence or anything of that sort.As far as comparing it to slavery then what job isnt ? Even before BPO's, IT jobs like Customer Support Engg/Technicians still face the same problems like BPO's, why isnt that mentioned. Atleast BPO's pay much better.I cannot completely agree with Mr.Bhagats statements as I have friends who work in call centres primarily for financial purposes for future educational goals eg.MBA's etc.I personally hate the industry but it keeps youth out of the street as well as generate decent income for their family..Well we all are not IIT/IIM grads..:)

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Divya Punj
BPO sucks
by Divya Punj on Oct 28, 2005 10:22 AM  | Hide replies

BPO work is worthless:---

1> you dont need educational qualification to work there.
2>Skewed timings.

3> bad life-style as a result.

4> Irresponsible social behaviour ( we all know what I mean.)

5> high impact on health.

6> bad money management.

7> Experiencce in BPO is never counted as experience in other industries.

and at the end of the day... I am importing the frustration of the US to india.

I have a life and dont want to give it up by working in a BPO.

Divya Punj

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Kaushik Guha
RE:BPO sucks
by Kaushik Guha on Jun 24, 2007 02:38 PM
mam, with all due respect i beg to differ..... working in a call centre requires a very alert and sharp mind. becoz the moment the bell rings u donno whats coming at u. however u gotta act accordingly and that to ASAP. people talk about timings... comon if u r working for US you have to work at their day time.... domestic call centres donn work i nights... when its night here the day starts there so instead of blaming the timings of a call centre you should blame the mother nature....

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