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Party networking: the new mantra

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natasha required
by katheline on Sep 05, 2005 06:53 PM

well natasha its regarding ur party reply ,first i tink a person should actually try to come up with an intresting jargon rather that being excellent in verbal communicaton,wats the use of a person who does not have the content of the topic he's going to speak ,it would leither lead to embrassment or ulimately boredom.Anoter fact which i think is required is party ettiques and presentation

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Asscent is becoming a problem to me.
by vijay on Aug 04, 2005 01:44 AM

my passion was for call center in my inter 2nd year day's. but now I am fed up by attending so many interviews in call center. I always reach 2 or 4 round in any call center but results they ask me that you have american asscent and we dont want you to speak in that language. I and really angry if people ask me to do when I am not able to remove it our of my character. tell me now what to do and how to handle this kind of tongue

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by sofiya on May 31, 2005 12:32 PM

after BPT what

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