DMK is full of sh1t. Claims to be rational but it is just a camouflage for anti-Hindu.
Many DMK candidates are flocking to be blessed by Xian priests, and making sure that they are photographed doing so. How is this rational?????
Similarly, MK claims he is for protecting Tamils but doesn't raise a finger against Tamil-genocide in Malaysia.
He celebrated a Tamil maanadu in Coimbatore, but did not invite Anand or the Nobel laureate Ramakrishnan, both of whom are patcha Tamilians.
DMK says it is against idols, but itself idol-worships EVR and Annadurai. And, to top it all, EVR was against Harijans, and called Tamil a barbaric language. He begged Brits not to give indep to India. He said at least don't leave Tamilnadu, continue to rule us even if you give freedom to the rest of India. Such is the "intellectual" and "reformed" that DMK idol-worships.
Re: Re: Success
by theindialover on May 13, 2009 11:04 PM
Usually people like him will become on of them lately. There are so much one can do without coming to politics.
Re: Success
by karan thyag on May 16, 2009 05:34 PM
If he started a party and started his service to the prople, I would have canvased for him. vijaykanth- a opertunist and dirty already. Why this gentleman should join his party? Only bacause of caste? Oh lord please help the poor tamilians
Bangaladesh Issue: In east pakistan (now bangaladesh) where bangaladeshis are majority didn't had equal rights as other citizens in pakistan. So, they protested and took weapons to defend themselves. India helped them secure a homeland for bangaladeshis. India still have lots of bangaladeshi refugees and they live here happy without any restriction.
Srilankan Tamil Issue: Srilankan issue is very similar to bangaladeshi issue. Only difference is India don't want to help them. Instead they give weapons to srilankan army to kill tamils in srilanka. Srilankan tamil refugees are restricted to live freely in india and they are in the camp.
Sikh Issue: Sikh killed Indira Gandhi because they were against sending indian army to sikh's golden temple. Indira Gandhi was the root cause of the problem and Sikh killed Indira. But you can see MMS as PM of India now (probably the beloved bahu sonia don't like her MIL indira). And india is involved in the internal matters of pakistan to warn killing sikh in pakistan.
Srilankan Tamil Issue: Rajiv Gandhi was killed by srilankan tamil because IPKF killed and raped tamils instead of helping them in srilanka. Rajiv didn't controlled IPKF and he was the root cause of all the trouble, so srilankan tamil killed Rajiv. And thousands of tamils were killed because of Rajiv death and india still helping srilanka to kill thousands. And india says they cann't involve in the internal matters of srilanka.
Kashmir Issue: Where people have all rights as any common indian citizen and even more rights (muslim law and no one except kashmire can buy land in kashmir). But, with pakistan backing, some people are asking for homeland just because they have muslim majority.
Srilankan Tamil Issue: Srilankan tamils don't have equal rights as any sinhalese. They protested to get equal rights in gandhiyan way initially and after army started killing and raping tamils, they took weapon to defend themselves. They need either equal rights to live in srilanka or a seperate homeland.