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PM symbolises iron fist in velvet glove

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MMS was worst PM & Leader........ good as a man.....
by Ramesh on May 04, 2009 10:41 AM  | Hide replies

MMS is not a good leader or PM...... may be he was good a finance Minister..... but presently he along with chidu ruined India...... every cabinet minister used to ignore PM and visit 10 janapath road for any decision.... MMS was puppet of sonia..... he devalued the power of PM...... kick out MMS & congress...... vote BJP for better future....

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ramakrishna seetharaman
Re: MMS was worst PM & Leader........ good as a man.....
by ramakrishna seetharaman on May 04, 2009 10:52 AM
He started with 1 1=2 when her started as FM in PVNRao's Cabinet. Now with Sonia as his Boss says 0 1 10. What a great change in the country!

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MMS was worst PM & Leader........ good as a man.....
by Ramesh on May 04, 2009 10:41 AM

MMS is not a good leader or PM...... may be he was good a finance Minister..... but presently he along with chidu ruined India...... every cabinet minister used to ignore PM and visit 10 janapath road for any decision.... MMS was puppet of sonia..... he devalued the power of PM...... kick out MMS & congress...... vote BJP for better future....

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Jital Patel
All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by Jital Patel on May 04, 2009 10:40 AM  | Hide replies

They donot have any courage to admit the BJP leaders mistake which could haunt this country forever by dividing this country into hindu vs. muslim or hindu vs. christian boxing match. I live in USA but I donot see Republican or Democrate make people fight with each other for politics. This is the tregody of India & I do think that India would always remain third world country despite high economic growth

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kalpesh shah
Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by kalpesh shah on May 04, 2009 10:50 AM
u are ingoring my advise,go and sleep,one more thing dont forget huggies in your background.

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Karthikeyan Ramakrishna
Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by Karthikeyan Ramakrishna on May 04, 2009 10:47 AM
JP you are joker NRI, the ground reality is only the congress(pseudo secularists) have divided india into many sections in the name of religion and reservations.

BJP want every one to be equal in means of everything including the status of each and every Indian.

For this people like you will never agree you want the underpreviledged to be kept under you forever as slaves.

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Jital Patel
Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by Jital Patel on May 04, 2009 10:48 AM
But they want Nagpur to be the capital of this country.

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Lokesh S
Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by Lokesh S on May 04, 2009 10:52 AM
No Jital,

They want to change the Capital of India back to Delhi from its present location Rome

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Lokesh S
Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by Lokesh S on May 04, 2009 10:51 AM

You continue living in US. No need to come back to India.

As for as you Republican and Democratic issues are concerned, they might not be fighting in Public, but the unethical ways that they follow behind the scenes to win elections wont be known to common people. The reason for this is average IQ of common Americans is far lesser compared to Indians. I'm sure, you would have noticed.

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signor maino
Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by signor maino on May 04, 2009 10:42 AM
JP; Go run your 7/11 or Dunkin Doughnuts, your customers will get irritated.
Dont talk out of turn, you cant explain anything what you write here.

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Jital Patel
Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by Jital Patel on May 04, 2009 10:45 AM
At least I have my own business rather than banking on BJP to build temple so I could get employment. The USA govt. is kicking Modi's ass all the time by refusing visa to him.

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Lokesh S
Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by Lokesh S on May 04, 2009 10:59 AM

Dont bank on BJP to build temple.

If your business is hit due to recession, you can join thousands of missionaries who preach hatred towards Hinduism.

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Karthikeyan Ramakrishna
Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by Karthikeyan Ramakrishna on May 04, 2009 11:02 AM
We dont want Visas as they are given it for you to lick their ass. good job for you keep it up.

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Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by bushwacker on May 04, 2009 10:45 AM
idiot ,stay put in US and concentrate on Republic / Democratic politics.

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Jital Patel
Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by Jital Patel on May 04, 2009 10:47 AM
Third world country has got third world mentality people. Most RSS & BJP leaders are third world idiots.

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Vikas Garg
Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by Vikas Garg on May 04, 2009 11:05 AM
even a dump person like MMS would not say like that Mr. Jital `unknown' Patel

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Karthikeyan Ramakrishna
Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by Karthikeyan Ramakrishna on May 04, 2009 10:50 AM
You are sick and calling India aa third world country shame on you traitor.

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Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information here
by bushwacker on May 04, 2009 10:49 AM
good that india has one less swine flus like you

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Jital Patel
Re: Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale information
by Jital Patel on May 04, 2009 10:50 AM
USA has got less HIV than India.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale informat
by bushwacker on May 04, 2009 10:53 AM
??? Are you dumb???looks like you have got swine flu hahahah

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Vikas Garg
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale informat
by Vikas Garg on May 04, 2009 11:07 AM
even a dump person like MMS would not say like that Mr. Jital `unknown' Patel

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale informat
by JaagoreIndians on May 04, 2009 10:57 AM
You do not stay in US, I am for sure... you are a Congi likcer and dont possess any rationale... If you are not interested in Indian development... cease of your life lived as Indian.

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Vikas Garg
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale informat
by Vikas Garg on May 04, 2009 11:00 AM
from the very begining i was in doubt about your ethenicity.

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Lokesh S
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: All BJP supporters here writing fale informat
by Lokesh S on May 04, 2009 10:54 AM

Given a chance, you will tell that RSS is the cause of HIV.

Get a grip man.

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sam disouza
No need to read any Comic Book....
by sam disouza on May 04, 2009 10:37 AM

Just read any Artcle/Column written by 'Boot Lea_ker Jornalist of Congress' on boot lea_ker site called REDIFF

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Rajeev Venkat
Atleast one person in the World thinks so...
by Rajeev Venkat on May 04, 2009 10:35 AM  | Hide replies

If the PM read this article he would look around if there was some other guy in the PM Residence with the same name & face. A kind of a Hindi Film Double Role. He wont believe he is being called an 'Iron Hand'... My God! We have seen that... Dont bother, mny a times...!

Dr.Baru sounds as if Kashmir is some alien nation & not India. If life & Security in Kashmir is realy so unpredictable then who is to be blamed? BJP? RSS? NO... ONLY the Congress has to be blamed.

I know many people who visited Kashmir without thinking as much as the PM, Dr.Baru, High Command Madam seemed to have pondered on this decision as it appears in this Article...

So much for a Iron Hand... Huh..!

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Re: Atleast one person in the World thinks so...
by Deviprasad on May 04, 2009 10:45 AM

last year when German govt captured the sensitive data containing 1500 names of thugs having black money accounts in LGT Bank of Liechenstein, it offered Indian govt data free of cost for around 300 Indians who were having black money deposited there.

but, the Congress govt refused the data. They even went to the extent to say to Indian ambassador of Germany that do not ask anything from the Germans. WHY ???.

In May 2008, Advani wrote a letter to Manmohan Singh in this regard but the so called 'honest' PM remained quiet & did nothing.

Few days back they calleD aDvani liar & now they submit to the SC that they know the details.

In the last 62 years in the name of secularism & common man, Congress has looted India to the extent of amount double than its GDP out in the foreign banks.

I don't know why the Indian vote for such corrupt party !!!!!!!!!!!!.

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hameet bhullar
Stupid people who don't understand MMS
by hameet bhullar on May 04, 2009 10:35 AM  | Hide replies

Some stupid people who write ill about MMS are good for nothing. The world top leaders like Obama, PM of UK and even the educated people of India believe that he is the person who should be considered next PM candidate. Top country leader's have respect for him but our own people not. This is all done by BJP to earn votes. It was Advani only who was appreciating him for the Nuclear deal and today he is saying that he is a weak PM. It was BJP when the commodity prices were too high without any reason. And today when prices are high throughout the world, BJP is blaming Congress.
BJP always try to gain vote somehow either by communal divide, or falsely blaming congress to spoil its image, or by raising faaltoo issues.
I don't live in India but can say the MMS is the best PM for Indians. Good Luck

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signor maino
Re: Stupid people who don't understand MMS
by signor maino on May 04, 2009 10:41 AM
HB: You dont live in India so you dont know the reality.
Analyze why did he fail as the PM, coz he was never the PM, it was Sonia all along, she cannot become the PM unless she wants civil war in India.
This arrangement is not acceptable to India, we need a PM as a PM not a gutless wonder like MMS.

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deep dar
Re: Stupid people who don't understand MMS
by deep dar on May 04, 2009 10:41 AM
it's ur misfortune if u r a slave of the Congress.

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Ram Sharma
Re: Stupid people who don't understand MMS
by Ram Sharma on May 04, 2009 11:37 AM
MMS, the puppet PM (till Rahul is in a position to take over) has achieved following:

-Does not dare to stand in Loksabha elections, having lost only such election he fought
-Participated in mass bribing of MPs during trust vote
-Did not dare to face Advani on TV
-Daily suicide of farmers in Vidarbha, where state giovt is also of Cong & NCP. Suicide did not stop even after visits of MMS & Rahul to the area
-Advocated first right on resources to Mslims, as if the rest 85% population is rich
-Did not hang Afzal to get votes of communal Mslims
-His Home Minister Shivraj Patil (who is a favourite of Sonia, she wanted to make him President, but was vetoed by Left) was changing his dress several times in a day during terrorist attack in Mumbai
-He lost sleep, only when an Indian Mslim was arrested oversease on terror charges
-Devalued the PM post, by working as a servant of Sonia Parivar
-He was unable to take any action against Shibu Soren for a long time, who was in Central Minister and absconding facing a murder charge
-He was unable to take any action against his cabinet colleague Antule, who was making pro Pak statement during Mumbai attack by saying that senior police personnel were not killed by Pak terrorists
-Cabinet Minister was hiding, when a non bailable warrant was issued against him in a murder case and MMS was helpless, waiting for signal from 10 Janpath.

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Karthikeyan Ramakrishna
Re: Stupid people who don't understand MMS
by Karthikeyan Ramakrishna on May 04, 2009 10:40 AM
You are fool you dont no the ground reality here, congress and MMS has created a mess and the people are slaves under them, we want freedom from these pseudo secularists.

You dont stay here so you are not a Indian only you are a NRI dont talk bullshit.

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kalpesh shah
Re: Lalu Advani was not even in cabinet meeting when
by kalpesh shah on May 04, 2009 10:42 AM
you are wasting your telent.. l(aaloo),mula,amar,rambil needs secularist like u. if u cant go to support them, than go & sleep.

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deep dar
Re: Lalu Advani was not even in cabinet meeting when
by deep dar on May 04, 2009 10:42 AM
why is Cong admitting defeat saying that they are ready to sit in the oppn? that too in the middle of the polls?

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by indianghazi on May 04, 2009 10:34 AM  | Hide replies


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signor maino
by signor maino on May 04, 2009 10:39 AM
IG: Yeah I know, he told George Bush " INDIA LOVES YOU".
Bush must be remembered as the one who declared a HOLY WAR ON THE HOLY WARRIORS!!!!
He must be respected as the pro-pet.

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by indianghazi on May 04, 2009 10:41 AM
atleast mmsji stopped bush from declaring a war against impotenthundoo cowards who been slaves for 2000years

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sam disouza
by sam disouza on May 04, 2009 11:03 AM

Pakistani ..

Now you show your true face

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deep dar
by deep dar on May 04, 2009 10:43 AM
how much were u paid for typing silly stuff?

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Ram Sharma
by Ram Sharma on May 04, 2009 11:30 AM

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