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Why Dr Singh and Advani need to talk

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look at the positions of the two major parties manifesto-who r 4
by on Apr 19, 2009 09:56 AM  | Hide replies

We re request all the readers to look at the positions of the two major
parties --- Congress Party and Bharatiya Janata Party --- in their
respective Manifesto with respect to *1) Hindu Temples, 2) Rama Temple, 3)
Rama Sethu, 4) Terrorism, 5) Article 370, 6) Kashmiri Pandits, 7) Minority
Appeasement, 8) Bangladesh infiltration and 9)Religious Conversion*. When
you go to polls, think which party will preserve the richness of diversity
of cultures, end discrimination based on caste and religion giving equal
opportunity and deal with terrorist attacks to destabilize India.
*Hindu Temples*
Through the passage of The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act many
state governments have taken over o*nly Hindu Temples*. The Act had bestowed
several powers on the governments like auditing temple funds, appointing
archakas (priests), constituting a committee to monitor temple affairs,
creation of a common pool fund, regulation of investment of funds and use of
surplus funds. All appointments, property, finances, renovations, pujas etc.
are monitored and controlled. Mosques and churches are free from government
control and are not included in the Endowment Act.
*BJP Manifesto says:*
“*The BJP shall ensure autonomous administration of Maths and Mandirs. These
institutions have been the heart and hub of Dharmic and cultural life and

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Re: look at the positions of the two major parties manifesto-who
by arjun on Apr 19, 2009 03:10 PM
BJP is the party for rich Gujarati business people & high class hindus... only 15% hindus beleive them blindly.

BJP Wasted the chance and no more trials again...

Still they want to build temples all over india... Not Jobs..

India is doing great in the Global financial crisis.. Dont SPoil that by useless fights..

They dont think of indias diversity by culture & language and has a south indian part and north eastern part..

Any one puts constructive proposals against the BJP are Branded as Anti Hindu and Anti Indian.. ...

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Re: look at the positions of the two major parties manifesto-who
by on Apr 19, 2009 09:56 AM
*of Indian society. Huge properties were offered to Maths and Mandirs by
society for running their religio-cultural activities and service projects
for the benefit of all. The management of such institutions should be freed
from Government control and handed over to autonomous bodies constituted by
the followers and devotees of those seats. Necessary legal framework will be
provided for this purpose.*
* *
*All dharmic activities will be considered as ‘charity’ with appropriate tax
incentives. A*
*Special cell will be created to make dharmic organisations’ interface with
government agencies hassle-free. A National Mission for beautifying and
improving the infrastructure and amenities at pilgrimage centres of all
faiths will be launched.”*
* *
To represent the true pluralistic nature, fairness, tolerance,
accommodation, and open mindedness of Hindus, BJP Manifesto says that it
would *“in consultation with Muslim religious leaders, take steps to remove
encroachments from and unauthorised occupation of waqf properties.”*
* *

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Re: Re: look at the positions of the two major parties manifesto-
by on Apr 19, 2009 09:57 AM
*Congress Manifesto:*
* *
* * Not a single word about Hinduism, Hindu Endowment Act or control
of Hindu Temples. They totally ignore the needs of more than 80 percent of
Hindus needs because Hindu Temples are their Kamadhenu. They want to squeeze
the Temples, loot the Temple money, sell the Temple lands, ignore the
renovations, and donate Hindu Temple money to Christians and Muslims. But
they are very much concerned about the welfare of Muslims. Manifesto says
* *
“*A Wakf Development Corporation will be established to develop
Wakf properties. A National Unani University will be set up. The corpus of
the Maulana Azad Educational Foundation will be doubled*. “
* *
* *What about Hindu institutions and their development? The
Congress Party plays the role of LEECHES squeezing the blood of Hindu
Temples denying the use of Temple resources for the advancement of Hindu
The Congress government which prides itself as a secular
government without ever defining the concept wants control Hindu Temples,
distribute their resources to other religions, use their money for other
religions, send Muslims to Hajj, send Christians to Jerusalem at the expense
of Hindus. It is nothing short of a travesty, sham and outright deception
on the part of Congress government to do utmost damage to Hindu way of life.

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Re: Re: Re: look at the positions of the two major parties manife
by on Apr 19, 2009 09:57 AM
*Rama** Temple** *
Promising ‘Ram Rajya’ after coming to power, Sri L K Advani said on Ram
Navami day that BJP would bring Ram Mandir project back to centre stage.
*BJP Manifesto says*:
“*There is an overwhelming desire of the people in India and abroad to have
a grand*
*temple at the birth place of Sri Ram in Ayodhya. The BJP will explore all
possibilities, including negotiations and judicial proceedings, to
facilitate the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.”*
Answering to a question on the sincerity of his promise, Advani
said that it is not an ‘empty promise’ and he is committed to building a
Rama Temple in Ayodhya.
*Congress Party Manifesto:*
The Manifesto does not mention any thing about Rama or Ayodhya.
The Congress government has told the Supreme Court says that there is no
historical evidence of Lord Ram ever existing, and further government went
on to imply that different characters such as Hanuman, Bharata, Laxman,
Sita, Jambavan, Ravana etc do not exist.
Does it mean that when Mahatma Gandhi uttered “Hai Ram” thrice
before the three bullets fired into his body by Nathuram Godse, was he
uttering false God and a God that did not exist? Then was it a fitting
farewell to give State Funeral to Gandhi who worshipped false God?

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Re: Re: Re: Re: look at the positions of the two major parties ma
by on Apr 19, 2009 09:58 AM
* Ram Sethu*
On the issue of Sethusamudram, a shipping channel to link India’s eastern
and western coasts, BJP consistently opposed the dredging of Ramsethu on
grounds that it would destroy a chain of limestone shoals in the Palk
straits that it dates back to the Ramayana. BJP spokesperson Prasad said the
party would not “allow anyone to touch it”.
*BJP Manifesto says: *
*“Ram Sethu is our national heritage. Millions want to visit it
and it can be developed as a centre of cultural tourism. For millions it is
a place of pilgrimage. Saving Rama Setu is to save the vast thorium deposits
which are the future source of our*
*energy. Thorium technology will ensure India’s energy security. BJP will,
therefore, look for an alternative alignment for the proposed Sethu-Samudram
Channel Project (SSCP).”*
*Congress Party Manifesto:*
No mention of Ramsethu or the preservation of it. In fact
Congress government has not given up the mission of breaking it up to the
insult of so many missions of Hindus across the globe. In fact in fact an
affidavit filed before the Supreme Court, the Archaeological Survey of India
(ASI) rejected the claim of the existence of the “Ramasetu Bridge near

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myworldview By
Its a fact all decisions are made by sonia,,
by myworldview By on Apr 19, 2009 09:55 AM

Ask anybody in congress they will tell you where the real power lies. Let's not fool around on this. Why otherewise in olympics India was represented by Sonia and not by MMS when most of the world leader went there.

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New York
Advani can do it.
by New York on Apr 19, 2009 07:45 AM  | Hide replies

Since Advani have good Hawala connections he can definitely bring black money from Swiss banks.

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Re: Advani can do it.
by Water on Apr 19, 2009 10:06 AM
That is right Advani have not good but very good Hawala transaction network. So it is easy to him to bring back his money from Swiss bank heheheheheheh

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Re: MMS is not to be taken seriously
by Ramesh on Apr 19, 2009 06:51 AM
Chinese were discourteous because they found India under MMS was able to circumvent their designs and get past the IAEA as well as NSG rounds. Contrary to what you think it proves that MMS is a strong leader.

China has harmed itself and caused a long term damage to itself by disrespecting our PM.

Likewise for the nation which blocked visa to the duly elected CM of a state on heresay evidence produced by various lobbies.

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muzammil ahmad
Re: Re: MMS is not to be taken seriously
by muzammil ahmad on Apr 19, 2009 08:36 AM
I agree with Ramesh. MMS is indeed a sensible, mature, a great PM & an honest leader.
He does not talk silly things & rubbish like other politicians. It is the Advani & other Sangh leaders who call themselves nationalist, who are responsible for all the communal riots & for creating differences between Hindu-Muslims our country. If came to power, BJP & RSS may Talibanise India one day.
ManMohan Singh & APJ Abdul Kalam have been the best pair to lead India after Inedependence. they are non-political & leaders for all countrymen; poor or rich, hindu or muslim.
Jai Hind.

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marsh goyal
Re: Re: Re: MMS is not to be taken seriously
by marsh goyal on Apr 19, 2009 06:25 PM
i just want to add one more thing here MMS is very hard-working and humble man ...he does work and does not shallow trumpet like Mr.LKA,who has achieved nothing in his life.We owe so much for the economic boom we are experiencing today,he doesn't go about bragging what he has done for country,we need honest,hard-working and sensible leader like him

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Re: Re: MMS is not to be taken seriously
by Ramesh on Apr 19, 2009 06:58 AM
On matters concerning international law and policies leadership provided by MMS has proven to be exceptionally strong. He is a presently a better bet to get India a seat in Security Council as well as getting the tax-theft money back. This opportunity has come about only after the recent G-20 meet in London which MMS attended , which created an international consensus for greater transparency in all such finanicial transaction.

But credit also goes to LKS for raising the issue in a forcible manner which has thereby brought the issue to public consciousness.

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muzammil ahmad
Re: Re: MMS is not to be taken seriously
by muzammil ahmad on Apr 19, 2009 08:29 AM
Very good. MMS is indeed a great & sensible PM & an honest leader.
He does not talk silly things & rubbish like other politicians.
MMS & Abdul Kalam have been the best pair to lead,
in the history of India. they are non-political 7 leaders for all countrymen; poor or rich, hindu or muslim.

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J Chandrasekhar
MMS must have...
by J Chandrasekhar on Apr 19, 2009 06:33 AM  | Hide replies

I still cant understand the reason for MMS to have stayed away from the debate with LK. He is known for his knowledge and inteliigence, he has many such cronies like PC, ahluwalia etc. What prevented (apart from Sonia) this man

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marsh goyal
Re: MMS must have...
by marsh goyal on Apr 19, 2009 06:27 PM
he did the right thing ..what the point talking to brainless people who don't know their facts right,who say jinah was secular one day and revert the stand on another day, and who doesn't even remember what they saying -obama or osama bin laden ...how can u talk with such people ??

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Re: MMS must have...
by swetambar on Apr 19, 2009 10:07 AM
MMS is warned by his madam not to risk on the debate. She has asked all the cong ppl to not to enter inot challenges with LK

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RAJ sharma
Need to talk as well as debate...
by RAJ sharma on Apr 19, 2009 01:19 AM  | Hide replies

Mr Singh and Mr Advani should have shown each other some courtesy in their joint public appearance no doubt.Mr Singh,at being called a 'weak PM',took matters to a new low by saying he did not want to give Mr Advani any importance/status by going in for a debate.The questions it raises are,the status is conferred on a candidate when the people give their vote not by opponents,secondly the PM is showing his fear and insecurity by not agreeing for a civilised debate instead being shallow enough to say he does not believe in shouting and repeating himself,does Mr Singh mean that in other democracies having a debate means,opponents start wrestling with each other.The PM should know that debate can be very healthy for our democracy,the publc will get to see up front who deserves their vote and who's capable.Mr Singh should not do that for us,that is decide who's more deserving.

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prabhat mohanty
Re: Need to talk as well as debate...
by prabhat mohanty on Apr 19, 2009 09:16 AM
"Civilised debate" ?

Let Advani give few civilised speech in public first.

Then he can get into civilised debate.

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Re: Re: Need to talk as well as debate...
by manus on Apr 19, 2009 10:07 AM
Dear Prabhat,

For Advani to give civilized speech - we need civilians to listen and not uncivilized like you!

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marsh goyal
Re: Re: Re: Need to talk as well as debate...
by marsh goyal on Apr 19, 2009 06:40 PM
ya and whats the defination of civilians ? who agree with his crap theory of "weakest PM" when he himself has done nothing in his life ?

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marsh goyal
Re: Re: Need to talk as well as debate...
by marsh goyal on Apr 19, 2009 06:39 PM
true !! for that LKA will have to be civilized first ...and he has passed that age.

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by ash on Apr 19, 2009 12:00 AM  | Hide replies

We are in to 21st century and 1 billion people are ruled by the ITALIAN WOMAN called SONIA MINO WHO can not read or write and rest of all UPA GOVERMENT is pulling our country downwith their anti national activities. Wake up call to all the people of our great nation that do not be fooled by this pathetic congress goverment and do not believe any news comming out of all anti hindu and anti national ,xtian funded print and electronic media. be brave and defeat the UPA LOT inthis election

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Tera Baap
by Tera Baap on Apr 19, 2009 12:50 AM
Ok we will be ruled by PAKI ADVANI...dont worry you deserve it fully..blot

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by swetambar on Apr 19, 2009 10:05 AM
why blame Pakis, they are your scum brethern. Also, LK has migrated from there and he is an Indian as per the Indian civil laws. Have some sense to post a message

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marsh goyal
by marsh goyal on Apr 19, 2009 06:42 PM
then u should go back and read what indian civil laws says about a woman married to indian ?

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rilov paloly
by rilov paloly on Apr 19, 2009 01:31 AM
You said we are into 21st centurry...and you behave like a barbarian. Could you please let us know which way congress fooled us ? Our prime minister, Finance Minister and every body in the group is well qualified. When the world is in recession we are less affected by that. Our country has strong work force and improving in all sectors including healthcare and education.
This is one the few countries in the world where education is free (I am not talking about the management college where you paid money and got your degree).

But there are still some area where we need to improve like fighting against terrorism etc.
But I guess BJP line of dividing and rule will not help in this regard. It creates more problems.

We need leaders who can send proper message to the public and educate them. We need more employment opportunities. I guess a strong government can do that. Really doubt about advani’s skills.

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by Libran on Apr 19, 2009 02:24 AM
Congress PMs did fool us. Where should I start?
Indian Army in the 1948 won Kashmir decisively. It was Pandit Nehru told them to come back. Gen Kariappa (Later Field Marshall) did not pardon Nehru and congress till his death. Why should he and why should we - aren't we still belading now?
Congress PMs continued their betrayal.
Indira Gandhi won 1971 war for us- great! but who had the final laugh. Inexplicably she gave back all the land Indian Army won in Shimla Accord andwon us 10 million refugees who instead of being grateful are kicking us sitting inside India.
Rajiv Gandhi meddled with Srilanka, Pleased the minorities with Shabhano case and later opened the gates of Babri/Ram Mandir for the Darshan of Ram!! We all know the results of each of the actions!!
Narasimha Rao - Have we forgotten Hawala Diray yet?
Narasimha Rao - Slept while just ten terrorists killed more than 200 people delaying sending the troupes - was painful and will remain shameful for India but wept for the motherss of terroists!! and Last but not the least crept to Sonia's house to even to ask if he can go to toilet!

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J Chandrasekhar
by J Chandrasekhar on Apr 19, 2009 06:25 AM
Generally librans are known for their soft spoken nature, you seem to be different. However, well written message

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