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BCCI suspends bilateral tours with WI, to take legal action

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BCCI is killing Cricket
by debrispatel on Oct 22, 2014 06:58 AM

BCCI is the main culprit here. With so much financial might, why is BCCI not subsidizing salaries of cricketers in poorer countries like the Caribbean ? Instead, it is just keen on increasing its wealth even at the cost of killing the sport. Does anyone care for so many meaningless "bi-lateral" ODI and Test series ?

In the 80s and 90s, we used to have so many multi-nation tournaments which were so much fun. Now a days, you only see this bi-lateral non sense.

So long as goons like Srinivasan and Pawar, chanawala Niranjan Shah control BCCI, Cricket is doomed. And may be that is a good thing for other sport in India !

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by bhaskar on Oct 21, 2014 06:24 PM

should also suspend all the players who seems to be charging more and instead do bidding for players for min. pay.

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sarosh  mohiyuddin
Bully Control of Cricket India (BCCI)
by sarosh mohiyuddin on Oct 21, 2014 04:27 PM

this is just arm twisting ever other cricket board into submitting to their demands. give us the game. not the politics. let us enjoy the cricket. miss those days when it was a sport. now its a daily soap.

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Debashis Datta
Greedy and corrupt BCCI
by Debashis Datta on Oct 21, 2014 03:07 PM

Today what is happening in Cricket World is very natural. Today BCCI has imposed so much
pressure on other Boards for their financial might and power. BCCI is always a corrupt body
and they have always try to blackmail other Cricket Board and associations for their financial gain they have never developed and try to promote cricket is a sports for 300 hundred countries instead of only 8 playing nations . The first question is that why so frequent cricket matches? why not try to promote and develop domestic tournament like Ranji Trophy etc . The reason is their excessively desirous of acquiring the power and make poor other cricketing nations

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neeraj kulkarni
Who watches cricket anyway
by neeraj kulkarni on Oct 21, 2014 02:57 PM

Post worldcup the interest in Cricket has drastically dipped all thanks to BCCI for making cricket more of a daily soap rather than a sporting event. You switch to any sports channel and you will find Indians playing someone of the other or IPL and ICL and all that cr##

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There are not enough cricket playing nations.. !!
by NAGRAJ KV on Oct 21, 2014 02:30 PM  | Hide replies

We have already banned pakistan... now West Indies... There are very few cricket playing nations..
This is the real problem in cricket today...for example if some bowler is banned for doubtful action.. then his country will veto it... they threaten ICC... the bowler goes on throwing and gets record number of wickets...

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Re: There are not enough cricket playing nations.. !!
by bhaskar on Oct 21, 2014 06:52 PM
india should ban BCCI .

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