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BCCI said close ICL, then talk: Kapil

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reminds me of some other situation
by SW on Oct 22, 2008 03:45 PM

BCCI-ICL talks is like

1. Pakistan-india peace talks: kashmir issues raised by pakistan, india always says kashmir part of india.

2. israel-palestine talks: palestine says israel has to withdraw from gaza, israel says palestine using gaza to shoot rockets.

3. BCCI-ICL...heheheh

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madanmohan siddhanthi
by madanmohan siddhanthi on Oct 21, 2008 03:54 PM

With the way Teh Lords and Kings of BCCI behave , the game of Cricket will be better of in the world over if BCCI is closed.

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BCCI said close ICL, then talk: Kapi
by mogu on Oct 21, 2008 03:44 PM  | Hide replies

The Board of Control for Cricket in India, or BCCI, is the apex governing body for cricket in India. The board was formed in 1929. It is a society, registered under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act. The BCCI often uses government-owned stadiums across the country at a nominal annual rent. It is a private club consortium. Basically to become a member of a state-level association, you need to be introduced by another member and also pay an annual fee. The state-level clubs select their representatives (secretaries) who in turn select the BCCI officials. As for any private club, BCCI or the state-level associations are not required to make their balance sheets public.

As a member of the International Cricket Council (ICC), it has the authority to select players, umpires and officials to participate in international events and exercises total control over them. Without its recognition, no competitive cricket involving BCCI-contracted Indian players can be hosted within or outside the country.

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Partha Choudhury
Re: BCCI said close ICL, then talk: Kapi
by Partha Choudhury on Oct 21, 2008 09:20 PM
So what legality stops ICL to become a member of ICC, just like BCCI? What legality makes BCCI the "only" cricketing body in India?

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BCCI said close ICL, then talk: Kapi
by mogu on Oct 21, 2008 03:44 PM

The Board of Control for Cricket in India, or BCCI, is the apex governing body for cricket in India. The board was formed in 1929. It is a society, registered under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act. The BCCI often uses government-owned stadiums across the country at a nominal annual rent. It is a private club consortium. Basically to become a member of a state-level association, you need to be introduced by another member and also pay an annual fee. The state-level clubs select their representatives (secretaries) who in turn select the BCCI officials. As for any private club, BCCI or the state-level associations are not required to make their balance sheets public.

As a member of the International Cricket Council (ICC), it has the authority to select players, umpires and officials to participate in international events and exercises total control over them. Without its recognition, no competitive cricket involving BCCI-contracted Indian players can be hosted within or outside the country.

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by Guest on Oct 21, 2008 12:48 PM

One finds no valid reason for excluding ICL players from representing their counties' teams. BCCI is treating the players who opted for ICL as pariahs just because Subhash Chandra does not pay obeissance to the crooked-mouthed Pawar and junkies like Lalit Modi.

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Over dose
by Rationalist on Oct 21, 2008 11:17 AM  | Hide replies

After an overdose of cricket in form of IPL I have lost intrest in any form of this game. Please shelve this IPL or atleast restrict no of games played rather than 14 games per team excluding semis & finals.

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Re: Over dose
by Rationalist on Oct 21, 2008 11:20 AM
I beleive majority of followers of the game share the same opinion about the sport.

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by Kart on Oct 21, 2008 11:00 AM  | Hide replies

What is the gurantee that Kapil Dev is speaking the truth, we cannot belive him blindly.After hearing two sides the public can decide who is right and who is wrong

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intentions of ICL?
by Bingo on Oct 21, 2008 10:59 AM  | Hide replies

Agreed that ICL is giving platform for youngsters to how their cricketing skills, but let not forget 1 thing and that is ICL was created coz Zee network didn't get the TV rights of matches played in india! that was the only issue, so our mr.subash chandra thought that he can arm twist BCCI and get going in cricket just like he did with indian television or toothpaste tubes!

but he didn't know how shrewd the guys in BCCI are! ICL in its 1st year was a flop coz no one found it intresting, where as IPL was a damn huge hit and it made ekta kapoor serials fade away (jyun ki saas couldnt recover form that and is shown the door by the channel)

the point is ICL can't claim they are helping youth by giving them platform, how can they sustain their argument when they them selves paid huge amounts to emerging and current players to rebel againast their country.state team few examples: bangaladesh, pakistan, SA player, hyderabad players!

BCCI is laden with policits, but the guys in there very much know about the indian public cricketing pulse!

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Re: intentions of ICL?
by Magz on Oct 21, 2008 11:33 AM
dude u are talking complete rubbish! ICL hsa only invited pple to play, they have not done something that u've claimed! Nobody is paid to be a rebel, they are infact paid to play! the respective boards bcoz of the influence of BCCI are branding them as rebels! All of the Bangladesh signees have never said that they wont be available for Bangladesh!

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Francis Louis
Re: intentions of ICL?
by Francis Louis on Oct 21, 2008 11:58 AM
Bloody Bingo r u chamcha of BCCI (run by politicians and beurocrats ).

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Re: intentions of ICL?
by Shweta on Oct 21, 2008 01:14 PM
Bingo seems to be the crooked faced crook Sharad Pawar himself.

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Ansari za
Re: ICL is a platform younger youth
by Ansari za on Oct 21, 2008 11:01 AM
Yeah BCCI and Sharad Pawar Sucks ! does Sharad Pawar knows what is cricket better than Kapil......?????

he is a dirty mind politician and he should run his gundagardi in politics and not cric..ICL should be given the Recognition as World level players are participating in it....so there is now question....ICC should take action or Kapil must file a case against BCCI.

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by dudeman on Oct 21, 2008 09:29 AM  | Hide replies

Icl to close. Just imagine if there was another team from each state for another seperate Ranji trophy/Duleep/etc apart from the regular cricket association team.
In no other country will there be two leagues for the same sport.

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Re: The
by Shweta on Oct 21, 2008 01:16 PM
There are several leagues in our colony for cricket.

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Re: The
by aa on Oct 21, 2008 04:36 PM
ha ha well said.

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