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Use cricket to uplift other sports: SRK

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non-sportive person's news on sports page
by attacker on Feb 29, 2008 11:27 AM

whr is the news of anand beating shirov yday in Morelia-Linares tournament and took a full point lead... its 15 hr old news...

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Shashidhar Rao
Gulli danda - can it be more sarcastic than this
by Shashidhar Rao on Feb 29, 2008 06:13 AM  | Hide replies

"[My] next step would be to take it [money earned in IPL] to hockey, football, kho kho, also kabaddi and gulli danda," he remarked.

Why on earth would he say encourage gulli danda, but for sarcastic reply to kalmadi.

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Mike Behrenger
RE:Gulli danda - can it be more sarcastic than this
by Mike Behrenger on Feb 29, 2008 07:41 AM
Well he needs to be sarcastic....now all of a sudden SRK is the only person in the whole of INDIA who is to be bugged for backing every sport financially!!! i mena c'mon, do you guys have some brains or what? Mr. Kalmadi is probably inviting SRK into Olympics and Commonwealth Games but the invitation for quite assertive at that and why would SRK let that go without clarification that ofcourse all said an done it is also his personal choice to go about it in his own way as he wants. After all he earns the money after hard work, wisdom and intelligence of his own, and thats why he is liked by masses and he is where he is today. So whats all this nonsense. There are TATAs, BIRLAs, Ambanis and god knows who else who could also be approached....why aren't they? SRK is right in every sense. I'm with him on this, with all due respect to Mr. Kalmadi.

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Just the 3 letters SRK and rediff received 114 messages including mine
by QandA on Feb 29, 2008 03:13 AM  | Hide replies

Rediff is in the business of selling clicks to advertisers and making money?

Next time just avoid the link that has SRK and see the magic.. U have the power...

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RE:Just the 3 letters SRK and rediff received 114 messages including mine
by Zain on Feb 29, 2008 05:27 AM
like you did? :-) wow u r soo strong!

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RE:why khan
by c on Feb 29, 2008 03:08 AM
why whats the problem with that
u want to spread hate

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Samia Baig
Shah Rukh and Rediff
by Samia Baig on Feb 29, 2008 02:18 AM  | Hide replies

I have always wondered why the heck Rediff gives excessive coverage coverage to SRK. Not a day passes without that guy in rediff headlines. Does he hold a stake in REdiff, or is he a personal friend of Ajit Balakrishnan????

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naveen dhanerwal
RE:Shah Rukh and Rediff
by naveen dhanerwal on Feb 29, 2008 07:01 AM
He's the power to do so..do you and I have..noppp..that's why rediff is doing so...People wants to read/know anything about celebrities not about us dear. But personally I think what he (SRK) replied is not good enough. It's might discourage other sports person and their supporters. Who they want to support other sports may step back from them and go for cricket. So I think big celebs shoud do something for other sports also.

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RE:Shah Rukh and Rediff
by c on Feb 29, 2008 03:08 AM
cause morons like u read and comment on it

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Mike Behrenger
RE:Shah Rukh and Rediff
by Mike Behrenger on Feb 29, 2008 07:47 AM
Well SRK is contributing big-time to INDIAN SPORTS which other BIG name in INDIA has as often as SRK has? Name one! So he deserves to be in the headlines! And now all of a sudden SRK is the only person in the whole of INDIA who is to be bugged for backing every sport financially!!! I mean c'mon, do you guys have some brains or what? Mr. Kalmadi is probably inviting SRK into Olympics and Commonwealth Games but the invitation was quite assertive at that and why would SRK let that go without clarification that ofcourse all said and done it is also his personal choice to go about it in his own way as he wants. After all he earns the money after hard work, wisdom and intelligence of his own, and thats why he is liked by masses and he is where he is today. So whats all this nonsense. There are TATAs, BIRLAs, Ambanis and god knows who else who could also be approached....why aren't they? SRK is right in every sense. I'm with him on this, with all due respect to Mr. Kalmadi. And don't forget, SRK alone has paid off Several Crores in just Tax money last financial year. Which other Celebrity/Industrialist do you know of who would have done so? The guy is serious about taking his country in the right direction! You owe some respect to this guy. God bless his soul!

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Amitabh Akolkar
by Amitabh Akolkar on Feb 29, 2008 01:47 AM  | Hide replies

saruk. Shut the F up.

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by MS on Feb 29, 2008 01:18 AM  | Hide replies

I am no fan of SRK nor do I follow Bollywood (not watched a movie in ages). Neither do I support commercialization of cricket. But this guys comments sounded sensible. He is not govt or BCCI. There is only so much he can do. He is practical, as opposed to those just sitting there posting abusive comments.

I wouldn't have posted this had it not been for reckless and unfair comments against him here.

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naveen dhanerwal
by naveen dhanerwal on Feb 29, 2008 07:06 AM
Agreed dude..but fans mostly follows their idol's way. So they should be aware while givig such kinds of interviews. He's almost proved that anyone can earn unexpectable money from cricket only. I personally thing it'd be a great honour for SRK had he accepted Mr. Kalmadi's offer.

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Shahrukh is the biggest hypocrite and playactor of our times!!
by Dingbat on Feb 29, 2008 12:43 AM  | Hide replies

Why can't he just be honest like Ness Wadia and other biz people who say they have entered only to make money?
Why does he want to put on this facade of a self sacrificing brute who would put the money earned in a sport which does not have mass appeal??
Does Sharukh really believe that we will believe his superficial talks that he will put money in a venture or sport where they return will be poor?
Shahrukh is a hardcore bizman, he will never put his money in any venture where he will not make a profit, so forget about football or hockey which are practically dead sports in India!
Sugar coated politically motivated responses seems to be the forte of Sharukh Khan!!

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Mihir Samel
RE:Shahrukh is the biggest hypocrite and playactor of our times!!
by Mihir Samel on Feb 29, 2008 05:25 AM
I need to make money from this sport and then move to other sports," added Shah Rukh.

^^ hasnt it said it clearly enough for you?

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Mike Behrenger
RE:Shahrukh is the biggest hypocrite and playactor of our times!!
by Mike Behrenger on Feb 29, 2008 07:56 AM
Hey DingBat, i wonder what motivated you for that nickname but it sure as hell goes with your level of maturity and literacy. Superficial talks? Like you can make bigger and better claims and then implement even half of them? What re you my friend? A Pesty little Indian with maybe a few crores in your bank account at most and your own or your Dad's business at best that you freakin live off? Well SRK is contributing big-time to INDIAN SPORTS, now which other BIG name in INDIA has as often as SRK has? Name one! And all of a sudden SRK is the only person in the whole of INDIA who is to be bugged for backing every sport financially!!! I mean c'mon, do you guys have some brains or what? Mr. Kalmadi is probably inviting SRK into Olympics and Commonwealth Games but the invitation was quite assertive at that and why would SRK let that go without clarification that ofcourse all said and done it is also his personal choice to go about it in his own way as he wants. After all he earns the money after hard work, wisdom and intelligence of his own, and thats why he is liked by masses and he is where he is today. So whats all this nonsense. There are TATAs, BIRLAs, Ambanis and god knows who else who could also be approached....why aren't they? SRK is right in every sense. I'm with him on this, with all due respect to Mr. Kalmadi. And don't forget, SRK alone has paid off Several Crores in just Tax money last financial year. Which other Celebrity/Industrialist do you know of who would have

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RE:RE:Shahrukh is the biggest hypocrite and playactor of our times!!
by Dingbat on Feb 29, 2008 08:40 AM
Mike Behrenger,
Now my turn to call you a dingbat, cos you are really answering without going thru my message!!

As for me being a pesky litle Indian, not so sure whether i'am little at 95KG and 6 foot 2, not sure whether i'am really pesky cos i'am a private person..

As for Indians having old money stock which they prefer to live off on, not too sure about that cos most of us who come from middle class families are working pros and those who own big biz generally count in those amounts that can buy tw^ats like you in dozens...you know what i mean!!

As to my message, i said that Shahrukh is sincere about cricket but i seriously doubt whether he will put that money earned in any other venture like soccer or hockey cos they are dying sports in India, and Sharukh is a bizman to core, he will invest if there is a return..nothing wrong in that, just that he needs to be honest about the fact that he sees cricket as a biz and IPL/ICL as the be all and end all...

Hope i have made it clear!!

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what a pathetic person...
by TolMolKeBol on Feb 28, 2008 11:31 PM  | Hide replies

i was sure abt this of him in acting.. but now he proved in speech too . .. one of the most ridiculous reply ever . . . srk sucks big time. . in movies and in real life. . .

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