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MacGill told to get fit or lose place

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Belagur KrishnaPrasad
Mcgill as a bowler
by Belagur KrishnaPrasad on Nov 21, 2007 07:26 PM

I remeber the comments made by Geoffrey,last time when India toured Australia.Warne wasn't playing then because of 1 year ban.He had said that there can be no comparison between the two.Mcgill doesn't have the control or the variety of Warny.He spins the ball more viciously than Warne,most of the times.One can see the amount of revolutions on the ball during its trajectory.It is sad that this player had to come when Warne ruled the spin department.Mcgill couldn't ben accomodated during that period,otherwise he would have been more fit as well as fine tuned his skill.But he still could be an asset.His delivery to castle Vandort was a testimony to spin the ball viciously.Common Mcgill you can do it.

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