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Selectors threat to quit over gag order

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vivek murthi
politics of sports
by vivek murthi on Nov 20, 2007 01:18 PM

In an ideal world, the selectors do the job of picking the team and place a captain to follow and there ends their job. The team lead by the captain goes on the field and do what they best do i.e. play hard and competitive sport. Now, we dont live in an ideal world, but the job description of the selectors and the sportsmen hasn't changed. All this chaos is because Cricket gets way too much publicity and money compared to other sports in India. Would we hear about similar problems in our Hockey team or any other team, I wonder?

One thing I do want to point out, the selectors are not paid employees of the BCCI. So the BCCI has no jurisdiction in putting a gag order on them to write columns when that is the main profession of the selector. On the other hand, the selectors who have been players during their time should also make sure there is no conflict of interest. You cant go about bitching about players in the team when you selected them. Anything that has to be said to a player should be said to him behind closed doors after the game/series. But then we dont live in an ideal world. We live in a world where a good player has the guts to call the selectors a bunch of muppets headed by a joker and takes a retirement and we also have a real bunch of jokers in the selectors/management/team and what we do...discuss who is a better joker. Effectively, we are the jokers.

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Dictators of BCCI Next command Fans should wear uniforms for matches!
by Talisman on Nov 20, 2007 11:59 AM  | Hide replies

The monkeys of BCCI have done it again. Just when you think these jokers cannot get any worse, they have hoisted another one of their royal proclamations. Shah, Pawar, Lalit Modi - the worst scum of indian politics is making up rules left and right and creating a modern day dictatorship - grabbing the power from the indian cricket selectors.

Let us take a look at this administration's accomplishments so far,

1. Letting loose the goose Chappel on the indian fans causing the extraordinary pain of exiting the 50-over world cup in the the first round on the indian fans. Not bothering to rein in Chappel when he showed his middle finger to the indian fans. Now, once again giving him a plum job as chief coach of Rajasthan cricket, despite his recent claims that indians are all racists, this coming from an Aussie.

2. Organizing a one-day series with Australia within three days of the finals of the twenty-twenty world cup. It goes to show these monkeys didn't bargain or had no clue that the Indian Team led by Dhoni will be world beaters and win the championship.

3. No chief coach for the indian cricket team, when every other team has found one. This even after almost a year has passed, since the last disaster named Chappell. When they are asked about it, there is a lax answer, and the tone is, don't ask us, we will tell you.

4. When the Indian cricket team was in england, there were occasions when the room they were asked to stay is a pathetic cocoon and they ca

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Bhavik Shankar
RE:Dictators of BCCI Next command Fans should wear uniforms for matches!
by Bhavik Shankar on Nov 20, 2007 02:12 PM
I agree with most things however i feel chappel was needed to expose flaws in indian cricket.

(1) He wanted to get rid of selfish players and chamcha giri and i support him for this. I still cant believe ganguly is in the Test side the guy cost more runs in the field than he makes with the bat. He will be seriously exposed in Australia. Yuvraj should be in his place.

(2) It was Chappel who wanted youth in the side but didnt get it at the ODI world cup. Look what happened when youth was given chance at 20/20. Dont you think Chappel was right?

(3) I feel the finger insident was wrong however indians in general are always rippping off foriegners as well...from the guy in the rikshor, to 10 people wanting to carry your bags, to people constantly wanting tips for stupid things like gaurding your shoes, to people selling goods in the street at 100 times the real price, to the temple with the priests wanting money, all are bloody rippers. Dont you think this is a form of racism too?

(4) Finally feel that the incident where a man hit chappel in the back was cowardly. There is no place for king hits.

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RE:Dictators of BCCI Next command Fans should wear uniforms for matches!
by Talisman on Nov 20, 2007 04:34 PM
Well. With all respect, Ganguly has scored runs in SA, England and in one-day cricket. IT is fashionable to critic Ganguly, isnt it?

Chappel didn't invent the concept of youth. So, you are mistaken in believing Chappel contributed to the indian cause or the 20-20. HE is a showman and doesnt care about indian cricket or its fans. The finger incident is one such example. Please don't insult our intelligence by even remotely associating his name with the 20-20 team, In fact Chappel tried to ruin the players in this 20-20 team. Harbachan, Sewag and Pathan were the sufferers under this man's coaching period. All these palyers were in prolonged slumb and he could do nothing. His only invention was Suresh Raina, who didn't make it to the 20-20 cut. Chappel has ruined careers of players in Australia and here. No good coach.

He lacks the necessary skills to communicate or be a coach. He has a history of confrontation with players. If you want to talk about selfish, talk about Chappell. Did he ever apologize to indian fans for the worldcup hurt of the team he coached? NO. Mr. Chappel had to put the blame on players and run away to Australia.
He is a louse and dont even try to defend this guy.

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RE:Dictators of BCCI Next command Fans should wear uniforms for matches!
by Superhero on Nov 20, 2007 09:03 PM
yes he scored run...he scored 40 and 50 ..he never went on to make big hundreds...sachin and dravid r the only player who go on to make big hundreds.....drop ganguly and bring in yuvaraj singh...

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RE:Dictators of BCCI Next command Fans should wear uniforms for matches!
by Talisman on Nov 21, 2007 09:48 AM
If you look at the 50s and 60s, they were scored at crucial times. It counts more, when you score a 50, than making a hunread. Having said that Yuvaraj needs to get more chances. However, he has not shown any real consistancy in test matches. So, I am not in favour of your theories, which is more your desire than any solid basis for droippign Ganguly.

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Lotiya Pathan
RE:Dictators of BCCI Next command Fans should wear uniforms for matches!
by Lotiya Pathan on Nov 20, 2007 02:16 PM
great dude..i salute ur thinking..
why dont u try to be a selector,
put ur views in front of bcci.
i will be rewared.

many, 20-20 was gully cricket,
aus dont ahd any respect for that format of game.
thats why this gully team won the cup.

when u talk abt longer version game,
probably they cannt compete with BD, kenya too.

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Suman Bhat
veng asarkar and co should be sacked for playing politics
by Suman Bhat on Nov 20, 2007 10:19 AM  | Hide replies

vengi and co played dirty politics to drop dravid from odis why not same yardstick appoies to others dravid was dropped after 4 bad perfomance batting in diff positions in five matches
bjji was wktless in 6 matces till he took 2 for 43 in 4th odi against ausses he never dropped but played full seires against pakistan
zahirkhan performs once in 5-6 matches but he is survived
gnaguly's last five innings 0 39 6 39 with 3 lifes and 5 but he is stilll part of odi team gnaguly is worst fielder and poor in running btn wkt thany any other player
RP singh replaced sresant but proved he is worst than sresant.
dhoni always gets runs in dead pitiches of subcontinent but he was total failure in fast bouncy pitiches of SA and WI
rules never applies to tendulkar
If performance is yardstick to drop players then tendulkar, dhoni, zahir bajji and gnaguly would have out of team long time before..
Vengasarkar told dravid did not inform him after resinging captaincy Even tendulkar declined captaincy offered by vengi. |Even TOI reporeted that vengasarkar tried to persue tendulkar twice
now vengasarkar will take revenge against tendulkar?
vengasarkar is playing dirty politics and should be sacked from selection committee

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Sridhar S
RE:veng asarkar and co should be sacked for playing politics
by Sridhar S on Nov 20, 2007 12:39 PM
Here comes (Mad)am Suman. We were missing u mam. From ur above msg it appears no one in Indian Cricket Team is contributing. So, sack everybody and let only Dravid play for India.

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The Heat
RE:veng asarkar and co should be sacked for playing politics
by The Heat on Nov 20, 2007 01:13 PM
I'm sure Dravid would do a might fine job if left alone :).

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The Heat
RE:RE:veng asarkar and co should be sacked for playing politics
by The Heat on Nov 20, 2007 01:13 PM

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Lotiya Pathan
RE:veng asarkar and co should be sacked for playing politics
by Lotiya Pathan on Nov 20, 2007 10:52 AM
dear suman,
pls dont compare with ganguly with beloved dravid on one dayers.
ganguly played 2 innings of 39, india won both the maytches.
ganguly took one wicket, and made 5 runs, india won the match. whenver he contributed little, india wins.
they rested ganguly on last odi, u know the results.
he is allways a motivator for the team, provides enrgy others to perform.
without ganguly, india sucks..its is proved again and again..

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The Heat
RE:veng asarkar and co should be sacked for playing politics
by The Heat on Nov 20, 2007 10:56 AM
My fkin god, India won that match coz ganguly scored *5 RUNS* and took *1 WICKET*. if not for his contribution we would've lost. That has got to be the saddest retort ever!!!

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Suman Bhat
RE:veng asarkar and co should be sacked for playing politics
by Suman Bhat on Nov 20, 2007 11:36 AM
dravid did equally good job as odi captain and highest winning % than gnaguly
dravid also had 10k runs batting in no 1 to 7 while ganguly had advantage of opening in many matches
dravid had 82 50s and highest no of catches in both forms of game while ganguly had 100 wkts
dravid was also selected for icc odi team for 2 yrs which other players even yuvraj was not selected
whole country knows dravid is better fielder, better running btn wkt and he takes singles while gnagtuly is worst fielder, poor runnting btn wkt and create pressure on other end batsman by not taking singles
gnaguly scored consistantly after his return but none of his innings helped team or match winning but only playing safe for self to keep his place in team
if he scores 39 runs he will give more runs to opposition by poor fielding he wasted more balls and he bowls one over he gives more than 7 runs gnaguly is a burden to odi and test team

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cosmopolitan desi
by cosmopolitan desi on Nov 20, 2007 10:09 AM  | Hide replies

ravid 51 runs in last 5 innings

What about ?

Ganguly 89 runs in last 5 innings
Uthappa 78 runs in last 5 innings
Gambhir 97 runs in last 5 innings

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The Heat
by The Heat on Nov 20, 2007 10:58 AM
Mr. Desi, you can question Ganguly's and Ganbhir's form but it would be unfair to question Uthappa. he's hardly played 30 balls in the entire series and then you fk around with his batting position. Injustice.

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Suman Bhat
by Suman Bhat on Nov 20, 2007 10:28 AM
dravid batted in five diff positions in five matches and robin batted at no 7 in 4 matches and no 3 in last match
gambir batted at no 3 in 4 matches and opened innings in last match
ganguly batted as opener in all five innigs where as opener he had chace to face more balls so that can build innings slowly without any pressure increasing runrate
dravid five innigns against strong bowling of ausses while ganguly gambir and robin all against the weakest bowling of pakistan only one innings against aussies
ASk tendulkar, ganguly gambir dhoni and sewag to bat at five diff positions in five matches against aussies then u see the differnece in performance and strike rate
they should bat down in order when team in trouble and go up in order when there was pressure of increasing runrate and less balls to face
why same rule which applied for dravid not applicable to other players
Dravid took 10 catches in 5 innings while robin only five and gambire and ganguly only one each

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by PunjabiPower on Nov 20, 2007 09:03 AM  | Hide replies

Please search for "we want Rahul Dravid" on google and then click the first link and support Rahul. Please forward to your friends.Thanks.

India cannot win without the wall!!!

Amazing win!!Yeah against a Pakistani team which resembled Kenya!!!!!!!
Where are the fireworks???

When the cricket ball whizzes past noses of these jokers down under, we'll see them crying for Rahul to be in the team. Except Sachin and Rahul, all the others are pus_ssies outside India.

Dhoni has failed everytime in the last 2 years outside India except for that last test in England.

These jokers will shit bricks when they see Lee charging in to bowl at them on a wicked WACA pitch!!!LOL
Mark my words guys, Vengsarkar will quit as chairman of selectors after the south african tour early next year. Just watch!!!

And all these Dhonis and Ponies will flat on their faces!!!!!!!

Remember this date, January 16th 2008 :) LOL

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by Sumeet on Nov 20, 2007 09:54 AM
on that site Rahul has commented he does not wish to play ODIs...lol

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You drop Rahul huh?
by PunjabiPower on Nov 20, 2007 09:01 AM

This is what you get you idiots of the selection committee. You are doomed now. Do not dare drop someone like Rahul again. This is a warning to Dhoni Pony too. You useless idiot you, failure outside India, just because you won a little kids game in South Africa , you think are the best is it? You will learn too the hard way. You dont want Rahul huh? You will know how big he is , sooooooooooon !!!!!

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shi vak
Just quit!
by shi vak on Nov 20, 2007 08:32 AM  | Hide replies

I think, it's time to let the selectors who want to resign, go off. They have been doing "too much" for Indian cricket interfering even with the batting order. There are bans on the cricketers for writing columns, appearing in unauthorized interviews, wearing logos other than the prescribed ones etc. etc. If the players are supposed to abide by the laws of BCCI, the same should apply for the selectors as well. No one in the world has begged them to be the selectors. And Indian cricket is not going to be doomed if these selectors quit. Based on some recent reports, it seems that the selectors would be paid as well. Guys, in that case, they're working for an orgnization. If your employer tells you not to smoke in the office, you have the obligation to do so. Else, you have the right to quit. So, just QUIT!!!

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RE:Just quit!
by CricFan01 on Nov 20, 2007 08:38 AM
Your logic is not correct because the selectors are not paid like the cricketers.

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Lotiya Pathan
no south-north, we are indians
by Lotiya Pathan on Nov 20, 2007 08:30 AM  | Hide replies

Cosmopolitan Desi, I am sorry if u r hurted by any of my message. My intension was not to hurt you.
I want to tell that please support indian team part from regionalism.

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RE:no south-north, we are indians
by Dhosa on Nov 20, 2007 09:19 AM
LMAO!!. Lotiya. You're a Joker.. Why start abusing other and then apologize? Anybody who said anything against Saurav or supported Dravid, you start calling him names. Grow Up MAN!!! lol

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cosmopolitan desi
RE:no south-north, we are indians
by cosmopolitan desi on Nov 20, 2007 08:40 AM
Dude! I am North-South mix heritage. I'm not taking any side. You guys start imagining if I am supporting one player then I am from that state. Sachin,Sourav and Dravid are 3 great players of our generation. I was just attacking one individual. It is true that he is trying to push players from his home association. You go and read his interviews. You brought the regional thing thinking I am a South Indian guy. We all are supporting Indian team. The issue is not about the team here but about the selector and the reasons he gave for dropping one Indian player. IF he just said we are resting seniors to try youngsters then no one would question him. But he applied that logic only for Dravid. When such things are done, selectors should tell the players and do it. It's personal enmity. That is wrong. The story behind this bigger than Rahul's dropping. It started long time ago and thats why the BCCI is taking such action now.

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free mind
We want Vengsarkar
by free mind on Nov 20, 2007 08:23 AM  | Hide replies

We need Vengsarkar to continue and entertain us with deep insights like 'Dravid needs to regain his fitness and form by playing more of domestic cricket'. He got his answer in a week in form of double century and a century. Yet this Joker feels his stepping down will be huge loss for Indian cricket!!

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RE:We want Vengsarkar
by Humanvalue on Nov 20, 2007 08:54 AM
Definitely a great loss!!
Where else you can get such entertainment? BCCI and selectors always provide the entertainment. Only Indian cricket can produce entertainers like Lele, More, Vengsarkar, Bindra and Dungarpur.

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cosmopolitan desi
RE:RE:We want Vengsarkar
by cosmopolitan desi on Nov 20, 2007 10:07 AM
HumanValue...How can you forget the greatest entertainers of all? Niranjan SHah man...
Did you hear him talk? Golden words. Every word is right on money lol..

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