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Kapil to head Zee's ICL

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To play for ICL
by Sandeep on Oct 01, 2007 05:07 PM

Mr Kapil Dev,
Chairman ICL,

Hi Sir, I m Sandeep from Sirsa(125055 - Haryana).I Belongs to a Middle class family.
I want to be a cricket player. I am perfect in Leg spin as kile ''SHANE WANRE'', full confident in batting & feilding as like ''YOVRAJ SINGH''I m Waiting for your reply.

 & nbsp;                       
Name --Sandeep Garg.
      Residence --#10,Add.D.C.Colony Barnala Road Sirsa -125055 (hry)
                   &n bsp;          Mobile --093153-69759(me)
             094162-89797(papa)                   ;      
                    & nbsp;                      

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This is good
by srini on May 15, 2007 07:10 PM

I am very excited about this. Indians should stop worrying about India not doing well internationally. This is a great oppurtunity for us to really enjoy cricket.

Think about it, every major/medium city in India will have a team belonging to a private owner. For example Sachin Tendulkar though belonging to Bombay will be allowed to play for any team that pays most. So sachin can play for Hyderabad etc. instead of having a handful of heroes like we have right now.. we will have so much competition.. and fun. Slowly this will develop to a local kabbadi team, a hockey team, a basketball team.

That is the way to enjoy cricket. This internation crap should go.

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by Kart on May 15, 2007 03:25 PM

Now Kapil Dev wants to earn money, he was shouting that he wants to be in BCCI.Earn money and be happy I don't expect anything from you.

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syed masood hussaini
one more
by syed masood hussaini on May 14, 2007 07:17 PM  | Hide replies

i think it will be one more boring reality show on tv as of saragama challenge indian idol and so on in which every thing is pre planed and all the judges and paricapents play there part like judges fight for there group participants and inturn zee tv will fill its pockets and you will see in few days starplus criclet league sony criclet league and so on

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Rahul Oberoi
RE:one more
by Rahul Oberoi on May 15, 2007 01:40 AM
Are u the quizzer from Hydbad with the same name ?

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santosh pathak
RE:one more
by santosh pathak on May 15, 2007 03:42 AM
Very true, i wont be amazed to see SMS contests and public pole through SMS for selection of players. Its all buisness.

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Abdul Khader
Indian Cricket League...By S.Abdul Khader from Riyadh,SaudiArabia.
by Abdul Khader on May 14, 2007 07:00 PM

Dear Mr.Modi,

Itis very good to nurture Young Cricket Lads from under 17 and groom them and allow them to face International Matches. But it should be done purely on merrit basis. If one chance for recommendation will loose the image,some one will certainly try to damage the image of your league.I really congrats the effort made by Mr.Modi and wish him every success.The young lads should be given an oppertunity from all the states who really deserves, it should not be focussed only on few states.It is my opinion.

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May Day
Why is everyone against Kiran More?
by May Day on May 14, 2007 07:00 PM  | Hide replies

This guy showed Ganguly his place and made him relize that captaincy is just not enough and you need to score runs too. He made Zaheer Khan realize that he cant carry his fat body in the team for keeps and gave a warning to underperforming players like Harbajan singh and others. He may have flaws but he was the first selector in ages to turn the tables on superstar players wether for good or worse is debatable but he showed that the players cant rule the roost and create politics. The players have to be shown their responsibliy else they will forget to perform. Classic examples are Zaheer Khan and Ganguly working on their game and fitness after being dropped.If fr one reason Kian more shd be in the ICL it is to create a fear in the superstr players that they cant take their places for granted.

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sameer umralkar
RE:Why is everyone against Kiran More?
by sameer umralkar on May 15, 2007 05:45 AM
it was not More, but Chappell who did it. More was never in the same class as either Chappell or Ganguly, as a player.

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ganessin virappin
RE:Why is everyone against Kiran More?
by ganessin virappin on May 15, 2007 05:21 AM
Kiran More is fear for good players but he will not make any good players and spoil Indian cricket. Congrats to ICL for having him. ICL will be closed ASAP. India will be cricket free nation soon. Hats off to Kiran and his supporters.

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stanlee nil
Very good move
by stanlee nil on May 14, 2007 06:58 PM  | Hide replies


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RE:Very good move
by Renuchandran on May 14, 2007 09:14 PM
......you must be from Chennai... :D
and I agree with you.. :)

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Pardeep Thakur
Now Its require an other board also in India
by Pardeep Thakur on May 14, 2007 06:56 PM

kind of manuplation current people in board are doing and playing with emotion of 100 crore people. Now time has come to ignore them and go ahead with an other board.

Pardeep Thakur chandigarh

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