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Aussies breeze into final

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Awesome Australia vs Cracking Carrebbeans
by T.Satish on Nov 02, 2006 11:29 PM

The australians have reached to the doorsteps of another achievement n a new feather in their cap.Its winning the mini cup.Sounds surprising that a team which has won the world cups has not been able to make it even to the finals ever before this occassion.Looking at the way they have progressed in this tournament n going by their nature it should be their cup of tea.Further they have got an excellent record in the finals of any tournament which makes them the favourites.But looking at the way gayle and co played against the proteas the aussies would have their task cut out.The problem with the windies obviously is their ability to be consistent over a period of time and they have shown a bit of it in this tournament n also most of the players r in form which makes them a good side to look at from all perspectives.The battle will be even with both sides having allrounders who can turn it in any situation.The top two teams who played better cricket in this tournament have reached the finals n they deserve a place here.It will be a real test for both lara n ponting how efficiently n effectively they lead their sides in the decider.May the best team win.Finally its victory for cricket

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Meer Azher Ali
australian cricket
by Meer Azher Ali on Nov 02, 2006 06:20 AM

at present there seems to be a killing instinct in their minds. alas our indian team spare more time to cricket than advertising themselves.bcci shouls ban all the players who takes interest in doing ads.

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