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Indians fined for slow over-rate

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partha biswas
slow over rate
by partha biswas on Feb 08, 2006 03:35 PM

It is preposterous to think that India was fined for slow rate, and LOST to Pakistan under the circumstances as decided.How come such a BIG coach like Chappell didnot advice Dravid about it? I think Chappell was ALSO over confident that India would WIN in view of the BIG score from India.What Pakistan has proven AGAIN is that they have a game plan, covering every aspect.I feel sad to be such an open critic of our national team...but what to do...under EVERY situation we are being cropped out by Pakistan,whose coach NEVER opens his mouth on ANY matter.He is doing what he is paid to do.Coach.The same cannot be said of Chappell, who opens his mouth,at the drop of a hat.By the way....where are all the different types of hats that......well,well,well that is another story.The way we are going,we will become History !!!By the way...is there any clause in Chappells contract which can debit our losses to another team...it should be,since when we win there are always some bonuses doled out.What say others?

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by chetan on Feb 07, 2006 11:11 PM

rahul pls do the india team win.

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indians fined for slow over rate.
by a.chandraprakasam on Feb 07, 2006 10:05 PM

we are wasting our money and time by this game.Why japanese dont play this game? players play for fun and to earn money by advertsement. There are no committment and pain taking efforts.
They just throw the ball and run behind the ball, instead of taking wicket and preventing, the boundry, and leading to victory.All our efforts are planned for failure. some 19 yeard back, i saw some cricket player running behind the ball, i commented to my sons , those who are serious and sincere in cricket,badly about this act and mocked at me, when they were not matured boys. After few years it came as a news as a scam . This is the state affairs of cricket.The nations energy is wasred

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Re: 10% Match fee for slow over rate
by Alex on Feb 07, 2006 09:05 PM

I don't agree to this beacuse when they are making any mistake then they only receive verbal notice but when we do some mistake then we get fined by either paying %match fee or by suspending the player. we need to raise this to ICC becasue they have to be fair with all team.

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