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Chappell statement fair: Ganguly

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by Sankayan on Oct 24, 2005 11:13 PM

More than 10,000 runs and 22 centuries in ODIs, no need to tell anymore. Lets hope the team runs good swiping the altime best captain

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Ganguly's Record
by Sandipan on Sep 23, 2005 06:41 PM

See this article --
Ganguly's Record


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Greg is fair enough
by Jai on Sep 23, 2005 02:14 PM

I think Greg is 100% correct at his place, Ganguly has to leave any how from Indian team,as his performance is not upto the mark and also his captaincy.

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Greg is fair enough
by Jai on Sep 23, 2005 02:13 PM

I think Greg is 100% correct at his place, Ganguly has to leave any how from Indian team,as his performance is not upto the mark and also his captaincy.

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us tate
Immature Ganguly
by us tate on Sep 20, 2005 09:56 PM

This guy, ganguly, never ceases to amaze me. Now this dummy is talking about professionalism and maturity. What a joke. India should take lessons from Aussies. See how they sacked three of their super start for not performing in England. The smae should apply to some of these "diva' of Indian cricket. Get rid of them and let young ones take on the challenge.

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Ganguly should not get away that easily
by Panks on Sep 20, 2005 04:45 PM

I think this confrontation between greg and ganguly was heading the right way; it exposed the corruption and the domination the player's have over the coach.

The clarification by greg end's or what was a controversy heading the right way.The basic right to speak is not given to coach, what does that mean???

Greg claifies and ganguly says yah i am satisfied with his clarification.That's what democracy means then yah the cricket board and this team symbolises what state this country is in.Full of open and direct people who don't know there reponsibilities and blame other's.

I think ganguly should be questioned for this, he should not have raised such issues publicly.If he get's away so easily then the essecnce of this controversy that could have dug out dirty politics in indian cricket is all gone in vain.
If this news dies away, so many aspiring crickters like kaif won't get a chance to get into the indian team.

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Ramesh Chandra
by Ramesh Chandra on Sep 20, 2005 10:44 AM

It is painfully painful to accept personality of the type of Ganguli,the captain of cricket team.
Primary requirment for any type of profession/buisness and name anything past or present,the indisciplened should never never never be tolerated and the one who tolerates oh GOD Bless the country .

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Ganguly Chappell affair
by Venkataraman on Sep 20, 2005 10:42 AM

What has happened is an internal affair between the captain and the coach of the team. It has been blown up by the media. The present day media take pride in probing too much, calling it investigative journalism. If media had not pestered the captain with their suggestive and probing questions, perhaps the captain would not have disclosed what he had discussed with the coach.

Who wants such investigation, who is bothered about how the captain and coach talk to each other and how they resolve their differences. Instead of wasting their time on such things, let the media concentrate on what they can do improve the living conditions of the people, how the government machinery can be speeded up to help the poor and how to develop and project the image of the country.

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