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Tale of two captains

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it is un believable
by Divakumaran on Sep 07, 2005 03:27 PM

it is un believable

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Tale Of Two Captains
by Sampath on Sep 07, 2005 10:20 AM

Well dont u think its not ganguly's responsibility olone to do the willow talking in this seemingly excellent looking batting line up (on paper).... our own maestro wasnt able to deliver as a captain. no one asked for him to be thrown of the team.. If its a loss it belongs to team India and not ganguly.... give this team the time they will surely turn the odds.... If no other team has managed to lose as many finals as Team India neither have those teams managed to make it to the finals as consistently as Team India n our team should get the credit for this..
Gud Luck Team India......

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peterson godi
time to select third team
by peterson godi on Sep 07, 2005 10:03 AM

now india requires third team.guess which team ?
that is men's team.
india has two teams till now that is
the present team and womens team.
the time has come for india to have men's team

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peterson godi
ganguly's capacity
by peterson godi on Sep 07, 2005 09:59 AM

when unable to lead from the front why to still hang out?it's the best chance to skip the captaincy.
ganguly has to learn a lot from caps like
tatenda taibu,bangladesh captain,kenya's.
still the selectors have no senses how to select the team as well as the captain.
india requires third team that is men's team.
1.india has women's team
2.india has the present team.
3.now india requires the men's team

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Raghav Nair
We always struggle to reach finals....
by Raghav Nair on Sep 07, 2005 07:38 AM

India always struggle to reach finals even struggling against the teams like WI, Zim and Bangla.... no wonder they loose to the stronger team!!!

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Ankur Jain
Defeat is prely due to Internal Captaincy conflicts
by Ankur Jain on Sep 07, 2005 03:41 AM

This defeat is due to Captaincy politics that has been played by the selectors after the Ganguly return. It was obvious that Ganguly is to be named as Captain after his comeback but they create all the drama of selecting the Captain again which creats conflicts among the players especially Dravid. and it all reflects from his performance in the current series. Dravid was in form batsman for india in Srilanka. In his entire career Dravid has not played like that the way he played in Zimbawbe. He got out for a duck in the final at a crucial stage with offerning no shot and than dropped a simple catch at again a crucial stage and when Ganguly left the field just for 1 over, NZ score 17 runs of that over that too of Harbhajan who was bowling well. It all reflects that something is going on between these too which needs to be sorted out. This is the fault of selectors. Indian selectors really dont have any sense that what to do and what not to do and its selectors need to be changed not the Team.

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Reply for Deepak Jain's Message
by Hemantt on Sep 06, 2005 11:35 PM

We could not locate a suitable captain or groom a suitable caption within our team. We were striving without an able leader. The only option is to go ahead with Ganguly. Where is the second line? Rahul Dravid had failed miserably when he was a caption during the absence of Ganguly. If this is the case what is the point in having him as a vice caption and spoiling the chance of other youngsters.

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Being in so many finals is no less achievement
by theWiz on Sep 06, 2005 10:38 PM

Ask the other captains who did not even make it to the final they will tell you they would rather loose a final than not be there at all..
Granted, we need to start winning the finals, but to me the fact we are able to make it there in so many occassions proves something, we are loosing a side that executed the strategy for the final game better. Loosing a final is counted as "silver medal" in Olympics.. why it is completely discounted in Cricket?

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