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We will be in power soon: Bindra

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Who gave BCCI the authority to represent India.
by Sanjay on Oct 31, 2005 12:41 AM

BCCI is nothing but a bunch of greedy and hungry politicians who are in it for nothing other than money and popularity. Cricket is the last thing they have in their mind. They do not understand it and they do not care about it. Pawar is worse than Dalmiya, if his record in politics is to go by. I do not understand who gave them the authority to represent India at International level. If some party as part of their election promise says that they will remove a player like Ganguly if they come to power, it's not difficult to understand that they have little understanding and little intention to understand cricket. Dalmiya is no better either for creating all different factions and infighting. Gosh! these guys have made it all so ugly. And to believe that Pawar will bring transparency in the proceedings, Man I have to be really dumb

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