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Ponting wants better security

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Raj Persaud
Why not better umpiring
by Raj Persaud on Feb 22, 2005 02:07 AM

There is a tendency to overlook the reason for some folks in the crowd behaving in a less than pleasant way.
In many ways these folks are the honest, and not-afraid-to-"talk" folks who are fed up with how the game is going. In the recent past this has been the case in almost every series that Australia has been a part of.
Simultaneously with a call for better behaviour and crowd control, there MUST be a call for better umpiring.
Has anyone wondered why there are so many mistakes in games involving Australia, and whether there maybe ways to fix the problems?
If I were Australia, I would vigourously strive for a solution, since the many complaints in matches involving them must cast some doubts on their success.


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