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BCCI to decide on A''bad on Feb 8

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Rupesh A Mehta
Pakitan Tour
by Rupesh A Mehta on Feb 07, 2005 12:55 PM

Pakistan are trying to repaet what we did in Last Indian Tour OF Pakistan, by checking the venue in light of security reasons. New Zealand had left the country with out playing the full series due to Explosions near the hotel in which the team stayed and no other team dared to vist their soil. I was a justified step form any visiting team. But the thing which pakistan team in doing has no concret reason for them to pull out of a venue just because some years back riots had taken place. It is just to ridicule India. We should Pull out off the series itself on such stance of pakistan.

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Rajeev Venkat
Dont Buckle...
by Rajeev Venkat on Feb 07, 2005 12:14 PM

I wish the BCCI & the Government doesnt buckle on this issue. While I write this I am sure that the Government & BCCI will buckle. After all we are a spineless nation.

This is clear interference in our internal matters by Pakistan & by accepting it, the Government & BCCI would be endorsing it. Atleast Pak shoudl have overtly given reasons of Security as the cause rather than give 'Political Reasons'. Its an insult to insult. Over the last 50 years, how many Hindus have been killed in Pakistan & Bangladesh? Was the Godhra riots bigger than the post-partition riots? Should India have given a reason of persecution on Mohajirs (Migrated Indian Muslims) as a reason to not play in Karachi?

This is absurd to say that riots occurred in Gujarat against Muslims so Pakistan would not play there. Bombay faced the most severe riots in 1993, so?

By accepting to this interference by Pakistan, the Government may gain a chance to malign Narendra Modi yet again but in the bargain may tarnish India's reputation beyond repair.

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