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Umpire Shepherd cautions Karthik

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Umpire Shepherd cautions Karthik
by SATHVIKA on Nov 01, 2004 10:35 AM

Why is this happening only against Indian players. Already the series is marred by dubious decisions against the home team, starting from Langer not given on the first ball of the series, clarke ruled not out twice in Bangalore test and also one at Nagpur when he had only scored 6 runs. The whole world now know what had happened subsequent to these bad decisions. These were handed over by the celebrity umpires of the International grid namely Bucknor, Bowden and Shepherd. Who is to caution them. When the English team toured India, Ashley Giles bowled only a negative line to Tendulkar in order to prevent him from scoring. What did these famous men do about that. In fact every one heard Shepherd saying that kasprowicz is not out when the batsman himself walked out at Chennai. In fact Buknor is hell bent ruling Tendulkar out on various occassions when the replays clearly show that he was not out. It is high time the ICC removes all these umpires and recruit young umpires in to the grid. Had this happened outside India, all the tabloids would have made a huge cry whereas our local newspapers did not even bother to criticise such partisan attitude of international umpires

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