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Zimbabwe rebels ill-advised

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wants to play
by altaf on Jan 11, 2005 01:00 PM

with great revrence
i am a kashmiri guy i am allrounder
especially my bowlling is so good and front order bats man
when i saw zimbabwe's performance it is really poor
lost confidence i want to play with your team you can check my status and i want to trial it is too much all the time zimbabwe's lost the match
this is my email address
if you are intrested than contact me
i will hope your reply is possitive towards zimbabwe's
thanks Altaf Ahmed Dagga
from Kashmir

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Zimbabwe Selectors are a bunch of idiots
by leon on May 06, 2004 10:28 PM

I think the stand made by the rebels is completely and totally justified. The Dictatorial decision making of the Zimbabwe Cricket selectors initiated this rebellion.

So it's ok for them to do as they please but it's another matter when they got a wrong end of the stick by the rebels.

They were the ones to rock the boat that was sailing just fine. No rebel would abandon his team if his team existed. But it doesn't.

So they can just eat humble pie....get on their knees and ask for forgiveness from the Rebels. Playing for Zimbabwe with all this aparthiedial pholosophy is only going to take cricket in that counrty into the dark ages, and the selectors are to blame for it.

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