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McGrath fined

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by srivatta on Jul 16, 2004 10:51 AM

Amazing that field umpires came to McGrath's defense too. I wonder if they would have done the same thing if a colored cricketer was involved

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Dr Bennet Anchan
by Dr Bennet Anchan on Jul 15, 2004 07:46 PM

Mcgrath & exemplary behaviour????!!!!!!!!!!You gotta be kiddin',man!! Or maybe you meant exemplary sledging!

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by jaidev on Jul 15, 2004 01:12 PM  | Hide replies

not sure what difference a 25% fine will make to the attitude of these highly paid international, so called, sportsmen. the australian team especially are renowned for their language skills on the field. a lot of them come from working class backgrounds and haven't reach the level of sophistication required not to use obscenities and racial slurs on the field. steve waugh was an exception. you would have to look very hard to spot him doing this on the field. the field umpires came to mcgrath's defence! wonder who they were?! sad!

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by Brijesh on Jul 16, 2004 12:10 AM
cooool! Go McGrath!

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should have fined all his fees
by rupesh on Jul 14, 2004 01:28 PM

it's again the same racism and favourism which is in ICC, if an Indian does the same he would be fined of all the fees but see Mc Grath and his fellow members who share the the most indecent bunch on ground are only fined of 25% it's rediculous and should be protested by ours Board

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amudhan rp
Once again another Australian misbehaviour!
by amudhan rp on Jul 14, 2004 12:44 PM

How long we can let this go on. Australian players behaving badly on the field; abusing opponents and umpires.

This has to be condemned immediately. Australian players particularly are thugs. they don't respect other players. they use abusive language against the batsmen while fielding;

Punishment should be severe, rather than a fine. they have so much money. it will not hurt them.

they should be banned for a limited number of matches.

If an Indian, srilankan, pakistani, bangaladeshi or a west indian player do something slightly closer to misbehaviour, they are punished severly.

But a white man gets away with it always.

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Mcgrath....back to business
by Pradeep on Jul 14, 2004 03:02 AM

There is nothing unusual abt this...They are known for this....

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if an Indian had done it
by sam on Jul 14, 2004 01:25 AM

Herwe go agan , a simple tap on thw wrist , if a Indian player had done it orfo that matter if Shoaib Akhta had done it , 1 match supension and big fines.

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